
Jun 23, 2007 10:28

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visual kei, blab, lol, holiday, kns, clips

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Comments 11

mint_hayaku June 23 2007, 08:36:20 UTC
great, great! take this chance to learn japanese!
ganbatte ne!
secara niat saya blajar nihon go semester ini kandas gara2 kerja ama pinasthika. semester pendek pun daku abaikan ;_; *kok jd curhat sih*

So, wish me someday I could manage to learn it too ;)


noirsama June 26 2007, 03:29:15 UTC
yossh~ sankyuu~ supaya kalo nonton KnS mudeng~ *heleh*.

cup cup cup haya-chan ganbatte!!! ^__^

suatu hari nanti...


chibi_chibi_cha June 23 2007, 13:02:11 UTC
wow thats so cool that your gonna take classes, i really want to learn too but i have to fid time for classes lol, hope you have heaps of fun with it

hahahha that match looks really funny, lol i should watch it, is it on youtube????


noirsama June 26 2007, 03:37:10 UTC
yeeaah, ganbarimasu~ i'll! maybe you can learn it someday...

yes it is. it's soo funny XD this is the link for episode 2... http://youtube.com/watch?v=BaonCb_eNfM



chibi_chibi_cha July 1 2007, 07:44:48 UTC
hopefully =D

lol thanks *goes off to watch it* ^_______^


han_nyanyan June 25 2007, 13:36:54 UTC
nonton aang juga? hehe sama... tp males liat dvd, ngikutin di tipi ajah, ga ngoyo, tar sibuk kelabakan cari2 lanjutannya hihi...
dah bbrp kasus gitu :p

tp skrg bete juga, di global di ulang2 molo... huek... tp gpp deh.. bisa liat kekonyolan saka heuehue...


noirsama June 26 2007, 03:38:27 UTC
saya juga nonton dari tv. minggu2 yang lalu sudah maju sih tapi minggu ini balik lagi diulang2 doank. benci aku.

sudah buka link flashnya itu? lucu banget lho!


han_nyanyan June 28 2007, 08:53:15 UTC
err.. belom dibuka.. abis lagi supa lemot kemaren, tar deh tak coba :D

untung yg episod td pagi blom nonton hahaha.. yg itu lho.. avatar roku, jd mikir, roku kan 6 di jepang..
trus ada staf martial arts di credit title, namanya sifu kisu.. ahahaha pengen ngakak guling2.. kan artinya jadi suhu kiss
kalo di mandarin sifu itu guru ato sensei sedangkan kisu di jepang artinya kiss :p


noirsama June 29 2007, 10:29:07 UTC
itu kecil ajakok. tapi banyakan koreans ya di staff ya. padahal latar belakangannya avatar sebelum roku (yang cewe itu) bagus banget, jepang gitu kan?

emang suka rada ga beres kalo di credit title gitu. adduh, aku kangen Appa...


tsuzukiyo June 28 2007, 12:32:59 UTC
Haahahhaaa!! They're damn funny when playing soccer~!! I couldn't get my eyes off Saga-kun nyaaa~~~ >_______>

And taking Jap class during holiday sounds great! =D I'm studying too~ now in year 2 already but yet to take JLPT though... LOL!!


noirsama June 29 2007, 10:33:40 UTC
for the next episode will be A9&Jealkb vs girls. They have to win that match. THEY MUST!!!

eeh? 2 years? wooow O___o;


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