Title: Never Be Free Author: Noirreigne Pairing: Blair/Chuck & Blair/OC Rating: R for language and smut. Spoilers: Through 2x17 Summary: Except you enthrall me, never shall be free. Future Fic. Previous Chapters
OMFG!!! This chapter has left me speechless! I seriously do not know what to say. Chuck was right that something was very wrong with Blair, but the sexy times were so hot that I sort of forgot about it. I was all giddy that she wore his ring, and then nearly fell out of my chair when I read that last line. GREAT job!
Wow! Thanks so much for the wonderful review. It means so much coming from you. Your story is so amazing I am in awe every time you update. I have seen it recc'd everywhere and it is so deserving.
as i mentioned earlier this is one of my favourite fanfic series going around and i'm so glad you're updating this much more regularly! this chapter was made of pure awesome as usual. there was passion, and heartbreak and a definite omfg moment at the end. can't wait for more bb!
Thank you so much. The smut comes so hard for me. (no pun intended);) Your smut on the other hand is always so seamless and hot. You really are brilliant at it. :D
Comments 13
cedric :(. i kept wondering why blair went back, and this was a total blindside. such lovely writing, you have a way with words :)
[I swear I don't usually sound this dumb & fangirlish hahah].
She took the riiiiing! *twirls*
Comes so hard ahaha lol
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