This is my third rec post. I want to say that I've bloody well searched everywhere I could for good fics, but it really isn't that easy. I want my GO fics to be about Aziraphale and/or Crowley, most preferably slash. No Horsepersons fics on my rec batch because, frankly, I'm not interested in them. The only Horseperson I like is Azrael/Death, and that's mainly because he's so similar to Terry Pratchett's Discworld Death. Nor do I search for fics about the people in Tadfield. I'm sorry if you're not interested in these fics, but you must remember that I'm just an individual with her own tastes. The other people drool over "And When He Falls" when I'm head over heels for "One Big Happy Pantheon". I would say I'm sorry, but I really am not. That's just the way things are.
Presents by
Aziraphale loves to give. And give he does. *smirk* I can't help thinking he's wooing Crowley, but I think that's just my overly slashy imagination.
Untitled by
Aziraphale and Crowley have been "getting it on" and now the angel needs a cover story. Very delightful :)
Thwarting Heaven. Averting Hell by Spykeraven. Rated R?
As the Quote says: Angels are supposed to love. Demons are supposed to tempt
This series (can't be arsed to list all the titles) by Ballyharnon.
The ratings vary from PG to NC-17. Very, very enjoyable. I like. Very much. It's a bit weird, but, hey, let all the flowers bloom etc.
Angels Online by Shati.
...Aziraphale online. Someone help us all.
Piscine Passion by
Aziraphale, Crowley and fish. And oh-so-subtle parallelism *grin*
A Helping Hand by
OFC POV. Crowley and Aziraphale get manicures. It's amusing how even outsiders think/know A and C are a couple *cough*
Pamphlets by Shati.
A little story about how even a person's home isn't a safe place anymore...Evangelicals...
Even In Laughter and
Hope Deferred by
What Crowley did in his Sumer holidays (har har). A touching not-so-little story. Definately worth of reading. Which you are going to do anyway, since it's written by
Crowley And Aziraphale Join the Pottery Evening Class by
See the title?
Twofish by Grindylowe. Rated R.
Again, there's fish. And now, there's also sex. There are far too few R-rated GO fics...
Broken Hallelujah by Carmarthen. Rated R.
This story very nearly made me cry. I'm not kidding you: there were tears in my eyes, ready to fall, but somehow I managed to hold them back.
Mirrors by Carmarthen.
Crowley has gotten himself an earring. That is all.
Untitled by
Very amusing story from an outsider's point of view. Faustus has rejected Divinity and, ah, meets two angels. One of them is a bibliophiliac.
The Sound of Omens by
A Good Omens/Sound of Music crossover. Kinda. *DIES LAUGHING*
Let It Snow by
Makes you smile in a silly way :)
Like The Smoke To A Furnace by
Just when I think I've recced enough fics by
daegaer, I'm proven wrong. Oh, this fic is...well, it's sad, painful and final. It may not make you cry, but it makes your heart ache.
Best Wishes by
Birthdays!, I love Aziraphale in this one?
Hopefully Towards by
Quote: When Adam restored Aziraphale's body, he hadn't realised that angels were genderless. Which meant Aziraphale had received a standard issue male body.[1] Crowley had somehow - neither of them were quite sure
how - ended up with the same.
Drabbles for various folk by
daegaerEeee! drabbles!
Untitled by
SO cute!!!1one
Well, that's all. I doubt that I'll rec anything from the GO-verse anymore, as everyone here is going to know anyway when a new fic comes out. By size, the GO fandom is fairly small, when comparing to, for example, the HP fandom. This can make fic reccing both easy and hard. Easy because the fics are easy to find, and hard because one ends up reccing the same people's fics over and over again. I want to thank every author who's on at least one of my rec lists, your work is greatly appreciated.