Title: My Happily Ever After Pairing: Regina/Emma, Swan Queen Rating: T for language Summary: Wherein the curse breaks A/N: Hey everyone, remember this? Finally, here's the first chapter of the story it goes with. Enjoy!
I love your avatar selections when you post lol. Just don't forget about that thing Regina wants... ;-) I'm demanding, I know. Maybe I need to punished by the Queen.. mwahahahaha.
Of course I remember the teaser for this! I've been waiting for the first chapter as patiently as possible until now and am really glad it's finally here. And awesome! Now I'll be looking forward to the rest of this story. Whenever the muse strikes you. In the meantime - I loved this to bits.
Awww! Thanks so much for remembering and waiting! I've been looking forward to writing it. Thank you so much for your comments. This is going to be a fun one.
And by fun I mean I plan on being utterly horrible to my favorite characters because I'm evil like that.
You are evil! I mean that as a compliment. ;) I'm definitely looking forward to what you're going to put poor Emma and Regina through and am probably slightly evil myself because I don't mind if it's horrible as long as it's well written (which I'm sure it will be). In fact I prefer angsty stories with fluff at the end. Seems more beliavable somehow. Wholly fluff stories are nice, but stories with lots of angst that put the characters through hell before they can have their happy ending are by far my most favourite. So yep, definitely looking forward to whatever you have in store for these two. I'm sure it will be awesome to read.
And you're going to make me blush again. Which, granted, isn't hard as I have a rather fair complexion, but still.
I'm a big fan of the angst myself. It kind of makes the happy ending more worthwhile. If, of course, there's going to be a happy ending in this fic. Mwahahahaha! Who am I kidding, the name kind of gives that away, doesn't it?
I relly like this story, it's one of the few wich (is going to) deals with Emma/ Regina after the curse is broken. I'm really curious to snow's reaction. Chapeau.
Thank you very much for the feedback, I'm really looking forward to getting into that pert of the story, too. We have another chapter or two until we get to the teaser part, but it should be worth it.
I had to think for a while about the hat comment. :-)
Chapeau is indeed a hat, but it's also a way of saying very well done. (A gentleman would in the "old" days take off his hat as a show of respect) I guess it's more of a French/ Dutch thing haha.
Comments 18
No, I won't be forgetting that one. She'd probably kill me if I did, considering her current... state... in it.
And I doubt it could really be considered a punishment if you enjoyed it, dear.
Thanks for reading.
And by fun I mean I plan on being utterly horrible to my favorite characters because I'm evil like that.
And you're going to make me blush again. Which, granted, isn't hard as I have a rather fair complexion, but still.
I'm a big fan of the angst myself. It kind of makes the happy ending more worthwhile. If, of course, there's going to be a happy ending in this fic. Mwahahahaha! Who am I kidding, the name kind of gives that away, doesn't it?
Anyway! I'm very glad you're enjoying it so far.
...I have to ask, why the hat?
Chapeau is indeed a hat, but it's also a way of saying very well done. (A gentleman would in the "old" days take off his hat as a show of respect) I guess it's more of a French/ Dutch thing haha.
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