Non-fiction and a call for book recs.

Jul 08, 2010 11:38

I am on a greatest non-fiction kick since, well, ever. I don't know, maybe fanfic takes care of my immediate fiction needs and I reach out because of that? Maybe studying literature kills my enjoyment in any novel and I dissect it and overanalyse? Well, whatever the reason, 90% of the books I buy now are non-fiction ( Read more... )

buried in books, happy happy hippos, books, noelia needs help, recs call, how do you solve a problem like noelia

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Comments 15

realpestilence July 8 2010, 09:47:48 UTC
Have you ever heard of 50bookchallenge? It's been LJ-spotlighted several times, so it's active and full of good recs.

My memories are full of interesting reads. Some of them might be hard to get, since I got them used from amazon. But feel free to poke around and see.


noelia_g July 8 2010, 09:52:47 UTC
Oh, good idea, thanks. I am definitely going to be checking out both the comm and your memories.


petzipellepingo July 8 2010, 10:31:17 UTC
The Secret Life of Dust . Sounds goofy but it's fascinating.

Actually anything by Hannah Holmes is worth tracking down.

I also have 290 nonfiction titles in my Shelfari account. Feel free to rummage around.


noelia_g July 8 2010, 10:40:14 UTC
This is great. Thanks so much. I have actually heard of The Secret Life of Dust before, but now I'm definitely going to read it.


mjls July 8 2010, 10:42:45 UTC



noelia_g July 8 2010, 10:43:57 UTC
AWW, I have ordered it yesterday. It should get here in three days or so. \o/


mjls July 8 2010, 10:45:27 UTC
It's seriously made of so much win, I found my copy in Venice in an old pub where you could trade books for money or another book. It was like 2 bucks or something if you wanted the book and didn't have another one to trade but I love every word of that book. I've read it about 100 times already and it's really sad how much I love it XD


noelia_g July 8 2010, 10:47:07 UTC
I've heard so many good things about it I knew I was going to get it at *some* point, and now I find myself with some extra money to spend, so I just decided to go nuts with books... it was one of the first books I ordered :D


orlando_gol July 8 2010, 12:48:33 UTC
World War II? I know few.


noelia_g July 8 2010, 19:52:46 UTC
Something interesting? In English, though. Reading about history in Polish is too much like high school ;D


galianoir July 8 2010, 14:07:52 UTC
Masz jakiegoś bryka do funkcjonowania Sundu Najwyższego w Stanach? Pożyczysz? Przyda mis ei do mgr, jako że opieram się głównie na amerykańskich źródłach, a tam to wygląda troszkę inaczej niż u nas...

Ps. Masz jakąś książkę o historii feminizmu (albo możesz coś polecić)?

Oh, well wiem, że chciałaś zgoła inne komentarze XD


noelia_g July 8 2010, 19:51:44 UTC
Mam i to i to, ale tylko po angielsku. Ja ostatnio od dawna serio polskich książek nie nabywam...


galianoir July 8 2010, 20:44:45 UTC
To ostatnio czy od dawna? XD

Może być po angielsku. Wszystko do mgr mam po angielsku


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