oh, sithspit.

Sep 20, 2009 18:12

So, I was just reading up on that possible Star Wars life-action series that slypiotrek referenced, and I kinda sorta clicked links and I kinda sorta read up on the entirety of the Second Galactic Civil War, and now I need to read the books, because Wedge <3 ( Read more... )

star wars, noelia needs help, random insanity

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Comments 6

aries11 September 20 2009, 16:22:27 UTC
Do you know I actually know people who refuse to be fans of both Star Wars and Star Trek? I personally get them confused at times! LOL. It's all space to me.


noelia_g September 20 2009, 16:26:18 UTC
I know people like that too, but, well, I have had people tell me that as a girl, I don't get either Star Trek or Star Wars, so generally, I just don't care. I like what I like and that's it :D


aries11 September 20 2009, 17:08:06 UTC
WTF??! Your gender has nothing to do with your fandoms! People who say you can't like sci-fi because you're a girl are stupid.


destinyawakened September 20 2009, 16:25:13 UTC
I gave up EU when they killed off my favorite and Luke became a pussy.

I do want, however, to reread the Thrawn Trilogy and all the original EU books...


noelia_g September 20 2009, 16:27:28 UTC
I'll read everything for Wedge. It's just... Wedge. I have a lot of fictional boyfriends, clearly, but he could be my fictional husband ;D


starbuck92 September 20 2009, 17:02:45 UTC
The EU started off well years and years ago... but then it all went to shit, LOL. I won't pick up any new books, but I will read some of the older ones again. Tatooine Ghost is my favorite.


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