writing a thesis is just like participating in a ficathon.

Jan 06, 2008 11:31

You start all giggly and happy, because OMG you're going to write it and it's going to be awesome ( Read more... )

thesis, random insanity

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Comments 8

wisdomeagle January 6 2008, 10:41:51 UTC
& this is why I am taking some time off from school. (It totally doesn't help even when there is porn in the thesis. UNFORTUNATELY.)


noelia_g January 6 2008, 10:45:27 UTC
HA. The thing is, I kind of enjoyed the writing, up till the point where they told me to bring it in soon. And then my brain dug its little metaphorical heels in and flipped me a finger.

On the plus side, I've just figured out how to include the porn.


cadhla January 6 2008, 17:35:33 UTC
Depends on the thesis topic, really...


followmyrainbow January 6 2008, 22:11:46 UTC
God I know that feeling, I'm dreading my supervisor asking me to come see him as I literally have nothing down on paper yet eep.

I also have an essay due in tomorrow that is in an awful minimal state right now - seemingly my brain doesn't function unless its under extreme pressure (but yes eaten cookies) not really any way of including porn in either the essay or my thesis though, boring all the way.

The analogy is completely on though dude - right now I'm wishing it was a ficathon though lol


girlupnorth January 27 2008, 21:38:49 UTC
Oh, I know exactly what you mean. Especially the part about research.

(Actually, I wrote JaneEyre!femmeslash as a side effect of my research. So. I already have porn for my thesis.)

So, um, would you mind if I friended you? I mean, there are the squirrels, and I don't want to miss your Susan/Ella fic :)


noelia_g January 27 2008, 21:40:50 UTC
*friends back*

Glad to make you a friend :)

Jane Eyre femmeslash? *is intrigued*


girlupnorth January 27 2008, 21:49:56 UTC
Same here :)

Well, the femme:
1) is for novin_ha
2) is actually set after Jane Eyre, and the narrator is Jane's daughter
3) is still in very rough first draft. I will probably get to editing/re-writing it after my exams are finished.

(icon love, btw :D)


noelia_g January 27 2008, 21:52:46 UTC
Icon love appreciated :D

I'll be looking forward to the fic, if you decide to post it. There can never be enough of victorian lit fic.


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