Through the centuries, a term was created to dub those who had been unfortunate enough to be called "star-crossed lovers," but the term was known before Shakespeare had ever mentioned it. It was once used a long time ago, during the time of Noah when stars began to fall out of the sky and became humans.
It was through this that "star-born twins" came into existence. There were many of them in the beginning, born with a significant other that were rightfully theirs. All of them had someone to spend their whole life with. To them, it didn't matter they were humans now as long as they were together. Unfortunately, a great flood engulfed the world, and only fourteen of them had survived. Stricken with grief, they banded together, making a wish on a falling star to have their loved ones returned to them.
In return, they were cursed to be immortal until the day they could be reunited with their loved ones again.
But their wish wasn't truly granted.
True, their loved ones did come back to life, but the curse on this group had turned them to become blood-thirsty, gaining a deep grudge against humanity. They became the Noah Clan, determined to wipe humanity out of existence. It was then, in the late 19th century, that they were finally able to meet their "star twins" once more. The downside? They were on the opposing side. Well, a few of them were, anyway.
Feeling as though they were betrayed, the Noah allowed their anger to take over, but they know that they can't bear to hurt their "star twins". Instead, they'll destroy the Black Order, and force them to come back, even if it means using force.
Star twins - A term that is mostly often expressed as "star-crossed lovers." However, star twins are two people who are born from the stars that were most compatible with each other. Thus, it is mostly implied that they are soul mates. Although, there have been rumored of "star-born twins" - two people that were born from the same star. Though, this is often a rare event. Star-born twins aren't lovers, more like siblings at best, and when they are together, their powers reaches to the apex. As stated, this is a rare case and not many are star-born twins.
Noah - Like canon, the Noah are presumed to be immortal and bear the same powers as they do in canon. Only difference? They were cursed because of the wish they made on that fateful night, and that curse eventually led them to madness.
Order - Like canon, they are fighting against the Noah, they have Innocence, and they are human. But, most of them are star twins. And they have the memories of their loved ones from the past, before they died, and certainly before the Noah became cursed.
Earl - Apocryphos (This is totes Hoshi's, Mikki's, and Jay's fault)
Road - Allen
Tyki (
teasingstar) - Daisya Lavi
Cyril - Tokusa
Jasdero - Devit
Devit - Jasdero
Neah (
musicofstars) - Cross
Mana -
Allen - Road
Kanda (
twinillusions) - Alma
Alma (
twinsecond) - Kanda
Lavi (
arebornstar) - Tyki
Lenalee - Link
Miranda - Marie
Marie - Miranda
Cross (
bystarscrossed) - Neah
Link - Lenalee
Wisely - Lulubell
Lulubell - Wisely
Krory -
Timothy -
Klaud -
Sokaro -
Tiedoll -
Leverrier -
Apocryphos - Earl
Tokusa - Cyril
Madaro -
Tevak -
Goushi -
Kiredori -
Note: For the characters who do not have a twin star, the muns are free to choose who they want their twin star to be. Edit: Some things will be subjected to change.