San Francisco Bay Area Fandom Unite!

Oct 02, 2007 22:34

Hello, all! I just joined this community, and would love to gather all the Bay Area fans (and those willing to drive a bit more) to help our Fandom-Rocks (livejournal page). They just started their second charity campaign, benefiting the Lawrence Humane Society and Injured Marine Semper-Fi Fund. In this post  they put up some ideas on how to raise ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

dodgegirl22 October 3 2007, 05:50:43 UTC
I love it! I just posted this about 6mins before you did...To funny,
I think I will go ahead and delete mine seeing as you have it covered.


kentawolf October 3 2007, 06:15:32 UTC
Ooops, yeah after I posted I notice you posted.

*blushes horribly*


denyce October 3 2007, 15:36:47 UTC
Why Lawrence KS instead of SF... I mean its lovely that my favorite fictional characters are from Lawrence KS, but they're fictional... I'm sure ARF, or a local humane society would be just as grateful. Curious? Would depend on when/where etc & usually always up for chatting SPN ;-)


geminilove_ca October 3 2007, 15:58:16 UTC
Charities for Fandom Rocks are nominated by fans and voted for by fans. The selected charities for this campaign received the most votes on our website,

Any fan can nominate a charity (preferably one they have confirmed as non-profit) during the open nomination period, which is the last month of the campaign. The next round of nominations will be around February 2008.


kentawolf October 3 2007, 17:41:38 UTC
I'm "ditto"-ing geminilove_ca's post for the answer to the charities.

As for the when/where...I need to research a nice gas station with a lot of traffic, as much centrally located as it can be to accomodate as many Bay Area fan's homesteads. And then call them and see if they'll let a buncha "squee"-ing fangirls wash cars in their orbit. Perhaps next week I will have an answer.

Thanks for your interest!


ravensword October 6 2007, 05:31:46 UTC
I waited to say anything, because I have issues, and I know this.

That said.

I've done carwashes. Lots of them. All for charity. They are a lot of work. For very little in the way of profit. And truthfully, if you try to do a carwash for a non-profit that isn't local, you might have issues with customers who will actually ask those questions.

Now add into this the fact that the Bay area SPN fans I know are over 30, in various stages of health and maybe not capable of the work involved, or of being out in the hot sun all day, etc...

You get my point.

Which is not to discourage you by any means from an awesome fandom venture. I know that I couldn't participate in that kind of fundraising. Not anymore.

I appreciate the enthusiasm. I really do. And I love helping out charity, but I too question the choices of localized charities that aren't local to me. There are many national charities that would be good choices and easier to throw my hat in the ring for. Look at the work done by Sweet Charity, totally fandom based ( ... )


kentawolf October 6 2007, 07:33:52 UTC
Good points.

Is there any events of charity fundraising that seemed to work more successfully?


ravensword October 6 2007, 19:17:11 UTC
Fundraising is a funny thing, you know ( ... )


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