Of Black Smoke and Monsters ♦ with go_downswinging & likely_evil

Oct 12, 2012 01:41

It had been two months since Donna had said goodbye to Dean outside of the motel in the back of beyond after they had laid a vengeful spirit to rest. Two months, and she was still no closer to finding the Doctor. It was almost as though he'd disappeared from reality. A thought that scared her to the core ( Read more... )

journal: likely_evil, journal: go_downswinging

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Comments 83

go_downswinging October 12 2012, 11:05:30 UTC
Dean glanced at the message indicator on his cell and then hit play wondering who it was. As soon as he heard the British accent before she even spoke much into her message, a smile teased his lips but it didn't quite form. As he listened, he sat up straighter all business, then called her back.

Once he found out exactly where she was and what had happened, Dean told her to stay put he would be right there. He'd been in Alamogordo, New Mexico so he hadn't been that far from Utah, relatively speaking. Sixteen hours later, he pulled into the parking lot of Donna's motel and knocked on her door.


noblexcompanion October 12 2012, 20:31:53 UTC
It easily had to be the longest sixteen hours of her life. She had attempted to distract herself by throwing herself into more research though. Only problem with research is it only got you so far if you had no idea what you're dealing with. One wall of the motel was covered in documents - police records, hospital records, crime scene photos, maps, witness statements.

Donna made her way to the door, peeped through the peep-hole and relaxed when she saw Dean on the other side. She unlocked the door and offered him a smile. "You came..."


go_downswinging October 13 2012, 12:19:23 UTC
"Turn down an invitation at a chance to hunt with you again?" Dean winked as he stepped into her room. "Definitely no." Actually Dean had thought, until that phone call, that she'd been reunited with her alien time traveler. His gaze traveled over the area that had her research and his eyebrows rose slightly, he was again impressed. "Nice work."


noblexcompanion October 13 2012, 12:56:04 UTC
"Just wish I could make any sense of it all. It's pretty bonkers." She headed to the mini fridge and fetched Dean a beer. Second hunting trip and she's already made sure to stock up with beer. Such a fast learner.

"I mean, I can't find any connection between any of the victims, or any of the killers. Only thing connecting them is this black smoke witnesses say they saw before and after the killings. I mean what's up with that? Black smoke monster from LOST on a killing spree?"


likely_evil October 13 2012, 15:39:19 UTC
The first time Dean had run off and disappeared for a few days, Sam hadn't been awake to know he was gone until the next day. He had freaked out, trying to call his brother while being essentially trapped in the middle of nowhere.

So when Dean snuck off again a few weeks later, Sam was ready. He wouldn't tell his brother that he had turned on the GPS in his phones - turnabout it fair play - and was only a few hours behind him in the dirty Chevelle that he had jacked. He was glad to find the Impala in a motel parking lot and after talking to the owner a moment, went to knock on the door of the room.

After listening to it for a moment first. Because really, if he was tracking his brother just on a long distance booty call, Sam was going to be pissed. Amused, but pissed.


go_downswinging October 13 2012, 17:39:22 UTC
Dean had like a second sense when it came to people listening or Sam nearby. Call it Spidey sense, though Dean liked to think of it more like having the ears of a bat. His spidey senses were working, but he answered Donna, "as much fun as it is to raid a church..." Dean could have been kidding or not, "all we have to do is bless any water and it works."


noblexcompanion October 13 2012, 17:52:57 UTC
"Right then, let's bless some water, get inked up and go and slay some demons, shall we?" While she was nervous, she probably wasn't as scared as she should probably've been, given the situation.

"We don't need to kidnap a vicar, do we? To bless the water? I mean digging up a grave is one thing, kidnapping a man of the cloth is a bit much..."


likely_evil October 13 2012, 18:39:23 UTC
Well, there was a girl inside, but that wasn't sex talk. Another hunter?

He shook his head before banging on the door. "Dean, I know you're in there."


noblexcompanion October 14 2012, 19:33:39 UTC
Donna gave a shrug at her handiwork. "It's nothing special, just hacked a few databases, impersonated an FBI agent ...and a nun," she said as though it was the most normal thing in the world.

"I tried looking up the black smoke on a bunch of geek websites but I got nowhere, and that's when I called you, Dean."


likely_evil October 15 2012, 00:14:49 UTC
Sam was amused. "A nun? That takes a lot of guts. Most people can do the FBI agent, but a person of the cloth. You know you're going to hell now, right?"

He was looking at the names of the victims, trying to come up with a pattern. His fingers itched for a computer to work with, but it was locked in the car at the moment.


go_downswinging October 15 2012, 00:43:41 UTC
"Only if you were a stripper nun." Dean said and might have had a happy place expression on his face when he said it. His attention focused on what was in front of him and he paused not sure if he saw what he thought he saw. "Hey. Is it just me or do each of these locations where the people live sort of make a pattern?"


noblexcompanion October 15 2012, 00:47:25 UTC
"I helped blow up Pompeii, I'm pretty sure my Hell card is very much punched with a one way trip," she stated matter of factly. "As for stripper nuns? Only on Tuesdays, Sweetheart."

Donna turned her attention to the research wall again and grabbed a pen, starting to play dot to dot on the map.


noblexcompanion October 17 2012, 11:14:20 UTC
"Woah, woah, woah. You boys want to turn back a page or two and fill me in? Who's Dick? And what's Dick have to do with the demons?" Seems most the world knows about Dick - apart from Donna. Nothing new there, then.

"And all the witnesses said there was black smoke before and after, right? The demon entering and leaving a body? How long between entering a meat-suit and killing, d'you reckon? We could split up, cover the area and look for weirdy smoke?"


likely_evil October 19 2012, 01:29:00 UTC
"I don't think so. I think this is something unrelated."

He tapped the pen against his chin, then turned. "I'm going to get a journal out of the car. You can explain to your girlfriend about your obsession with dick."

Yes, he said it exactly like that, and heads for the car to get more research.

[ooc: feel free to skip me until you want Sam again. I'm not going to be around tomorrow night]


go_downswinging October 19 2012, 10:32:32 UTC
Dean just rolled his eyes at Sam as he left before he turned to Donna. "Dick Roman is a Leviathan. A hell of a lot worse than demons." Though he had to admit that he'd kind of hoped that Dick and Crowley would have killed each other off.


noblexcompanion October 19 2012, 11:14:56 UTC
"A Leviathan? Aren't those like mythological water beasts, like I dunno water dragons or sommat?" Apparently not. Shame, giant fucking water dragons would be an awesome story to tell the Doctor - if she ever found him.

"So this Dick guy, can't we just will him? I mean you can kill ghosts, and demons, so surely Leviathans are on the list too, right?"


noblexcompanion October 20 2012, 21:10:39 UTC
"I'm glad I called the experts. Pretty sure I'd probably've got myself killed otherwise. And that would suck. I rather like being alive."

She grabbed the keys to her hire car and headed out to the parking lot. Hey, the guy who kills bad things tells you that you need a tattoo, then you need a tattoo!


go_downswinging October 21 2012, 00:42:57 UTC
Dean told Sam where they were going and that they'd be back as soon as Donna got the ink. He'd grabbed a page out of the phone book that listed tattoo parlors and picked one that was close and looked clean. Not that he gave a rat's ass but it was something women would notice.

"There." He pointed it out as Donna's car got closer. "That one."


noblexcompanion October 21 2012, 01:01:52 UTC
Clean was good. Sleeping in a dingy motel room was one thing, but getting inked up in a grungy shop? That she drew the line at. Once she told the tattooist what she wanted and the sketch had been drawn, she went into the back room to get inked up.

She settled for having the design below the nape of her neck. It was probably not the best time to mention it was her first tattoo, right? Right.

Somehow she managed to get through it with minimal pain...


go_downswinging October 21 2012, 01:41:11 UTC
Dean was impressed that Donna took it as calmly as she did. He knew that it hurt like a son of a bitch but you worked through it or ignored it. He sat in the waiting area, though with an eye to where she was so if he was needed he'd notice.


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