After the horror of Greta last week, it's a pleasure to see Eric in a quality movie. If only we could see more of him! He really has little to do here other than hone his on-camera eating skills, which he does with aplomb. I'm sure it came in very handy playing Reid!
Julie and Julia )
Comments 12
Then I can move on to another channel. But I do love my Eric Sheffer Stevens Scene Radar. Quite handy.
Funny thing is that my mom went to see this movie when it came out and she loved it so much I bought it for her for Christmas. I watched it with her shortly before Eric started on ATWT and I remember when he first appeared on screen I kept feeling like I'd seen his face before. Lo and behold people started talking about the movie and him being in it and presto! mystery solved and my love of LuRe and Eric was under way.
Although it pales in comparison with other roles he's had (except for last week's yuppie part), there's a special place in my heart for my first non-ATWT ESS role. I'll stop gushing now.....
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