Title: Second Time Around (1B/?)
Author: Nora C. Parker
Pairing: Callie/Arizona
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Set in Season 6. What if a different Cardio God came to SWMWH during the episode "New HIstory" (6x09). This story contemplates a surgeon other than Teddy joining the staff. The story veers from the established timeline as of that episode, although some of the episode is referenced within this story.
Disclaimer: I have no ownership over the characters.
Note: I began this story about a year ago. The entire first part has been posted elsewhere online, but not here on my journal. I'm going to at least post the portion that I've completed. I may write more, depending on my interest and readers' interest.
Read Part 1A Here Chapter 1: Gloria Gaynor Got it Right
The morning had been so busy she hadn't been able to meet with Callie. She hoped that her girlfriend wasn't too freaked out with the information about Hahn's return. Arizona knew that things had not ended well between them. She sent Callie a quick text with apologies for being unable to join her for breakfast, and with her hopes that they would at least get a chance to meet up for lunch.
# # #
"She's here, somewhere, skulking around the hospital."
"Skulking?" Mark Sloan turned his head to the side, looking at Callie Torres. "I'm not sure that's an accurate term."
The on-call room was empty except for the two surgeons. Even so, they both were lying on the same bed.
The situation still didn't sit right with Torres. "Why'd she come back, anyway?"
"Needed a job? Needed some nookie."
Now it was Callie's turn to give her friend the stink-eye. "Hopefully it's the first. If it's the second, she's not getting any from me."
"You could talk threesomes again." Then Sloan smiled. "Foursomes? At what point does it become an orgy?"
The two of them chuckled. Callie could feel herself relaxing with his easy banter in a way that she could with very few other people. She almost drifted into a nap when the sound of the door opening got her to open her eyes.
"I see some things never change."
"Erica." Mark's greeting was so typically Mark.
As if she'd never left, Callie thought. Never walked into the night and cut off all communication. Still, Callie had been telling herself since she first heard the news that she had to be the bigger woman. "Hi," she managed.
"Callie, I was wondering if we could talk. If Sloan can spare you, that is."
While the last part wasn't spoken with the condescension that Erica could sometimes apply, the words still grated on Callie. One more person acting as if she'd never left. "Is this for a patient?"
To Callie, Hahn sounded almost unsure. Unsure was unlike Erica. The woman's hardline stances had made Torres feel like nothing more than once. But the fact that she now sounded unsure strengthened Callie's resolve for the action that she knew she had to take. "Then no, we can't."
Feeling good about standing up for herself but feeling her anxiety rising regardless, Callie climbed over Sloan and left the room without another word.
# # #
As Arizona wheeled up to the nurse's station to discuss Zach's surgery, she had no trouble guessing who was Erica Hahn. The disapproving look regarding the heelys was something she saw less frequently among her colleagues, but with some the look never went away. Arizona figured Hahn would probably fit into that latter category.
"Hi," she stuck out her hand, ignoring the disapproval still apparent on the other woman's face. "Arizona Robbins. We're scheduled to discuss Zach Tolliver. Newborn with Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome."
"Right." Erica followed Arizona towards the conference room, still appearing skeptical that the woman before her was actually a surgeon.
"We've caught it early enough that we should be able to start with a Norwood procedure." Entering the conference room, Arizona passed over Zach's information before taking a seat. "Given his size and your reputation for vascular work, I'd prefer if you could take the lead on the actual procedure."
Now all Arizona could do was wait to see if Hahn agreed with her assessment, or if the other woman had any thoughts to offer.
Overall, the session proved tougher than Arizona was expecting. Not that Hahn wasn't good. On the contrary, Hahn was excellent at thinking through all of their options. She wasn't what Arizona would consider an optimistic person or even a positive person, but she was most definitely confident in her abilities.
At the end of the conference, with the plan confirmed, Arizona went off in search of Callie. The day had started way too early, and she hoped to grab a little time with her girlfriend
# # #
"No way." Cristina Yang stared at Meredith Grey, seated across from her at the cafeteria table. "Where'd you hear that?"
"The Chief told Derek. I don't think I was supposed to hear." Meredith looked almost apologetic.
"I think this is great news." Cristina's mind worked through the ramifications. As she did, her eyes settled on her roommate, Callie Torres, who had entered the cafeteria with Dr. Arizona Robbins. "Well, it might be great news. I'm not sure."
The quick change confused Meredith. "I thought you wanted a cardio god."
"I do. But, it's Hahn. She has history. With me. With other people."
"Well, for some reason, she's back. At least temporarily."
"As long as she doesn't hate me. Or kill my roommate."
Meredith gave a confused look.
"I don't want to pay all the rent."
Across the room, Callie and Arizona set their lunch trays down next to each other on the cafeteria table.
"I looked for you for breakfast," Callie said as she poked at her entree. "Actually," she leaned closer to Arizona, "I was hoping to see you before breakfast."
The smile that Arizona gave in response made Callie giggle, which in turn got Arizona to join in the laughter.
"Are we going to talk sex?" Mark took a seat across from Arizona. "Or you two can talk sex and I'll just listen appreciatively."
The response was a wadded napkin tossed by Arizona and a "suck it, Mark" from Callie.
Undeterred, Mark continued with "then maybe we can talk about the Chief's affair."
"There is nothing to talk about, Mark, only gossip." Callie shot her friend a stern look.
"What gossip?" All heads turned to see Erica Hahn seating herself at the table.
In response, Mark and Callie just looked at each other.
"So the gossip is..." Mark continued, only to break off suddenly with an "ow!" He looked to Torres. "Did you just kick me?"
"No, that was me." Unrepentant, Arizona gave him a grin. She turned to Hahn. "So, how's your first day back."
Erica's gaze fixed on Callie. "It's been interesting."
The table fell back to a tense silence, broken by Owen Hunt putting his tray down.
"So, Hunt," Mark started again. "Did you hear about the Chief?"
Uncomfortable with the scrutiny from the end of the table, Callie picked up her tray. "I've got a consult." She turned and hurried from the room.
This departure left Arizona torn. She was saddened by her girlfriend's obvious discomfort. But also hungry since this was the first chance she'd gotten to eat. But she knew that Callie would be out there, somewhere, hiding; she needed to come first. "I'll see you folks later." And, slightly less hastily, Arizona went on a search.
(end part 1B)