Title: Reaching Enlightenment Author: Lindsay (nylana) Beta: Mary (stillxmyxheart) Rating: G Genre: Character Study, Angst, Friendship Word Count: 7,667 Characters/Pairings: Sam, April, Nathan Summary: They were not always friends
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THE USUAL: I LOVE EVERYTHING THIS FIC CHOOSES TO BE AND MORE. (Lol, one thing you can say about my comments, they're consistent and you know that you'll get at least one approval XD)
It's so weird to see Sam/April prior to their BFF/UST-esque relationship but really nice. I love the development in this, it's so natural and realistic and guh, stop being amazing except don't you dare.
"Makes a person wonder how you got this job.” *flitches* APRILLLLLLLLL, MY BB
She’s blonde, beautiful and brilliant, answers to April? DADDY!GAAAAAAAAATES ♥♥♥
He’s my best mate, and he’s an old, stubborn, arrogant arse, what’s your point THIS IS A LINE OF BEAUTY
He can feel the blush go from his ears to his toes and immediately backs out of the room, easing the door closed quietly. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
He says it without a trace of surprise, knowing she would place the quote immediately. In that way he’s always felt she’s a bit of a kindred spirit. Oh god, I love them so much
( ... )
i debated about putting that in there, i hate hate doing stuff like that without research and specifics but i needed to work it in somehow and i tried not to be specific about even what area it was so it could be the west side of any where and any university that might not even exist now or then XD
It was really hard to write them that way honestly. It's hard to regress these characters once we've gotten them so far in their journey.
Oh and just because I don't want you to be confused where they were, the pub was in the neighborhood or near where he lived with Audrey, AFTER university. I took great care not to pick a specific university they went to or at which his parents taught.
Steeling herself she looks back at Sam and fixes him with a hard stare. “You don’t have to like me. But the one thing you will do is respect me.” FUCK YEAH BB! GET IT GIRL!
“I’m saying that the ones who came to the States, we - we left a lot of ghosts behind in England. Sam more than most.” I love this line!
Also, I've never wanted anything more than for Nathan Gates to solve my problems for me. HE IS THE BEST EVER
His eyes go wide as he turns back to her. “Set in my ways?” She folds her arms over her chest and stares back at him. “Are you sure the word you’re looking for isn’t old?” His eyes are hard as he looms over her but she just smirks. “If the shoe fits.”
Steeling herself she looks back at Sam and fixes him with a hard stare. “You don’t have to like me. But the one thing you will do is respect me.”
She sighs again. “It’s fine, Nathan. I was stupid, but it’s fine.” Nathan rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “You are never stupid and something is very not fine.” “Just let it go,” she says, trying to be stern but unable to fight the quiver in her voice. He gives a short laugh. “You don’t know me very well if you think I’m going to let you off the hook. I know you're not okay, love, so I’m going to sit here talking to you until you decide to tell me what's wrong.”
Oh my god I have had this conversation so many times that just reading these words HURTS.
Comments 8
It's so weird to see Sam/April prior to their BFF/UST-esque relationship but really nice. I love the development in this, it's so natural and realistic and guh, stop being amazing except don't you dare.
"Makes a person wonder how you got this job.” *flitches* APRILLLLLLLLL, MY BB
She’s blonde, beautiful and brilliant, answers to April? DADDY!GAAAAAAAAATES ♥♥♥
He’s my best mate, and he’s an old, stubborn, arrogant arse, what’s your point THIS IS A LINE OF BEAUTY
He can feel the blush go from his ears to his toes and immediately backs out of the room, easing the door closed quietly. SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM
He says it without a trace of surprise, knowing she would place the quote immediately. In that way he’s always felt she’s a bit of a kindred spirit. Oh god, I love them so much ( ... )
i debated about putting that in there, i hate hate doing stuff like that without research and specifics but i needed to work it in somehow and i tried not to be specific about even what area it was so it could be the west side of any where and any university that might not even exist now or then XD
It was really hard to write them that way honestly. It's hard to regress these characters once we've gotten them so far in their journey.
“I’m saying that the ones who came to the States, we - we left a lot of ghosts behind in England. Sam more than most.”
I love this line!
Also, I've never wanted anything more than for Nathan Gates to solve my problems for me. HE IS THE BEST EVER
I quite enjoyed this! :D
Also, I've never wanted anything more than for Nathan Gates to solve my problems for me
YES. THIS. I'd also like him to waiting at home for me with dinner and a hug.
His eyes are hard as he looms over her but she just smirks. “If the shoe fits.”
Steeling herself she looks back at Sam and fixes him with a hard stare. “You don’t have to like me. But the one thing you will do is respect me.”
She sighs again. “It’s fine, Nathan. I was stupid, but it’s fine.”
Nathan rolls his eyes and shakes his head. “You are never stupid and something is very not fine.”
“Just let it go,” she says, trying to be stern but unable to fight the quiver in her voice.
He gives a short laugh. “You don’t know me very well if you think I’m going to let you off the hook. I know you're not okay, love, so I’m going to sit here talking to you until you decide to tell me what's wrong.”
Oh my god I have had this conversation so many times that just reading these words HURTS.
He stops, wanting so badly to ( ... )
Almost as many as there would be of Nathan kissing April's finger all better. XD AKA, ELEVENTY BILLION.
I LOVE YOU, LEAH. Thank you so much! You know your quotey capslocky comments are the butter on my bread.
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