Oct 18, 2012 21:38
We talked some time ago (a couple of week I think) about the ship that helped us (or not) to get over pilots.
What I'm proposing as subject for today is to talk about the couples that we shipped before the pilots and how did they prepared us (or not) for Kara and Lee. So, what was your ship before them? Is that couple similar to this one or not?
daily pilots post,
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Stargate SG-1
Sam and Martouf
Sam and Malek
Staragate Atlantis
Rodney McKay and Elizabeth Weir
Star Trek Voyager
Captain Janeway and Chakotay
Chakotay and Seven of Nine
Tom Paris and B'Elanna Torres
Star Trek The Next Generation
Jean Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher
Star Trek Enterprise
Trip Tucker and T'Pol
Malcolm Reed and Hoshi Sato
Captain Jack and Ianto Jones
Dr Who
10 and Rose (how obvious huh)
11 and Amy (yes, I know that is wrong)
Buffy, The Vampire Slayer
Buffy and Angel
Buffy and Spike
Angel and Cordelia
I am certain there must be more ship I shipped hard with, but ... Memory fails
So unbelievably and traumatically sad. I can't even.
Exactly - I can see similarities between pilots and the closest thing I had to a ship before them, but the magnitude of the devastation pilots wrought on my heart.....there was NO way it could have prepared me for that.
First Official Date and/or Breakup in a Laundromat scene - 'You know my garbage'And they prepared me for pilots in the sense that the destruction of their relationship was more traumatic and drawn-out than anything on BSG, to the extent that it's all anyone ever remembers about the show now, which is a shame ( ... )
They used to make me laugh. I didn't miss an episode. I do remember that their end was even worse than Kara and Lee's, though. And that they became the very symbol of ships gone wrong. All due to utter writers' failure. It's what happens when they try to go out of their way to stop characters natural development. As much as the Quad of Doom and the poof disappoint and frustrate me, they were not enough of a betrayal of my beloved characters to make me so mad I couldn't stand them.
Anyway, now I want to go back and watch Moonlighting again. (The beginning, of course). :)
Ha, and of course it was another 'Sam' who showed up as a romantic rival! Gotta keep an eye on those Sams :)
I wouldn't say they prepared for pilots because their story was not quite so doomed. I hated that the writers also dragged their being apart far too long and that when they finally got them together it was not as satisfying as I hoped for. But then, the show itself had become too confusing and unsatisfying in general. However, we at least had years of friendship and banter and adorable UST and a sort of happy ending.
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