DPP: Let's Talk It Out

Sep 01, 2012 21:37

But really, the best part of any con is the celebrity panels - getting to hear from the source.

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What's your favorite bit of info that came out at con? Favorite fan question?

Take the rest of today and all of tomorrow and post any con vids you want!

katee, shipper nation, dpp, daily pilots post, vid, jamie, katee sackhoff

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Comments 7

rachelindeed September 2 2012, 03:03:25 UTC
There are some nice vids and pictures posted over at Jamie Bamber News from one of the panels with Jamie and Katee. You probably already know this, but the actors are not very shipper-y when it comes to Lee and Kara, so if you will be bothered by that then you may not want to listen to the Lee and Kara vid. They basically conclude that the best thing about the characters was how they defied expectations by never working through their issues or getting a happy ending. Um...yay? But they were soulmates, apparently, so there's that silver lining :)


kdbleu September 2 2012, 03:51:36 UTC
They basically conclude that the best thing about the characters was how they defied expectations by never working through their issues or getting a happy ending. Um...yay? But they were soulmates, apparently

Oddly, this concept I kind of adore. Or at least I find it genuinely interesting. Like a lot of the rest of the final season, I don't think it's told well in the end, but I also think it's why Lee and Kara can remain to engaging. They present a fascinating puzzle to unwind because they manage to be both inseparable and unrequited. Because there should be a way to 'fix' their relationship without ruining the two of them.


rachelindeed September 2 2012, 18:39:52 UTC
I hear you! Yes, I think the tone of the panel was, "They were never meant to be," but that does leave ample room for fanfiction to get creative in figuring out what needed fixing and what didn't :)


winegums September 3 2012, 07:01:11 UTC
oh damn, I think we got spam again. Should probably see about changing the comm settings to disallow anonymous posting or something....

To be honest, I am not surprised by any of what Jamie and Katee said, they've been saying it since the finale aired so no changes there :/ And part of why Lee and Kara have the kind of hold on us that they do is because of the fact that they were never given a way to be together, we just can't let them go.

But I still don't buy Katee's effort to sell the Sam-Kara thing or her insistence that poofing was best (in light of L/K's final scene, it makes no sense at all - Kara doesn't look at all happy to be poofing). I get what they mean about the conventional 'marriage and happily ever after' not making sense for pilots, but also suspect they've convinced themselves into being happy with the finale and are just sticking to whatever makes sense to them plus is positive for the show.


delle September 4 2012, 04:44:42 UTC
FWIW, Jamie does one HELL of a good Eddie Olmos impression. I went to two BSG panels at this year's Dragon*Con (and SQUEE! got a signed Kara/Lee picture from Jamie as a gift from my husband), Jamie was on both panels and Katee on Sunday's. Really really enjoyed them.


surfergirl88 September 4 2012, 21:18:01 UTC
My favorite was during Sunday's panel when Katee said Starbuck liked orgasms & they were what kept her getting up each morning. Or something to that effect. Haha. (I may be paraphrasing a bit. Waiting in the Atlanta heat for the panel may have fried my brain some.)


kballgetlost September 9 2012, 04:45:22 UTC
Hahaha oh man I made it to ALL 4 BSG panels st D*C this year.....EPIC!! I actually think Jamie and Katee said some nice things about Lee and Kara and their relationship. Katee is definitely still adamant that it wouldn't have been right for Starbuck to have a nice shiny happy ending. I definitely peed myself laughing when Katee basically said that Starbuck really liked orgasms, and each day she got up so she could have another one!

Haha it was in response to the fact that her character had slept with everyone at the panel table except Richard Hatch. Really they were great panels. And I got to meet (and get photos with) Jamie, Katee, and James. Great people!


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