DPP: Why the hell not?

Jun 08, 2012 23:02

Dear pilots fans. It is Friday. And that means an excuse to be lazy. So no discussions, no games, no thinky thoughts or angsty speculation. Friday is about just one thing.

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shipper nation, dpp, daily pilots post, picspam, katee, gifs, vic moretti, my otp are hot space pilots, jamie

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Comments 2

plaid_slytherin June 8 2012, 22:22:00 UTC
I am no good at spontaneity (I need specific instructions as to what to spam with) but the towel thing is mesmerizing.


n_e_star June 9 2012, 01:50:19 UTC
One of my kinks for Pilots is them watching each other get off - no touching, just them both taking care of themselves 'cus anything else is too complicated (ha!).

To that end Private by meyerlemon.

Now it's more of a story about Kat (and her lusting for Tyrol) but it has an AMAZINGLY HOT K/L scene.

... )


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