International Rewatch Reminder - s02e08 - Final Cut

May 12, 2012 17:00

Ok - if this works (and I have no reason to believe otherwise, in 6 hours it's time for Final Cut aka episode 8 of season 2. Personally, at this hour I'm probably in some train in between Vienna and Graz. I hope to be there for the rewatch because who wants to miss this

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rewatch, reminder

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Comments 2

callmeonetrack May 12 2012, 16:13:31 UTC
No one's been attending the Friday night rewatches, so we cancelled those, FYI. If you feel you want to do the same for the international, you can if you like.


anamarya May 12 2012, 19:04:26 UTC
sincerely I had that in mind for a while because we have good weeks and bad weeks. i took a poll 2 weeks ago and there is still some interest in them. I'll think and maybe brainstorm with the people who attend these ones about the best way to do it.

I saw your comments this morning but I was on my way to the airport and didn't had time to write you and say that I'm so sorry that in the end this didn't really work. As always, I know that there are persons (like me) who appreciate all that you did in order for this to work.


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