International Rewatch Reminder - s02e01 - Scattered

Mar 31, 2012 16:45

So, this is it. We survived one season. Can we survive one more? Yes, no? I guess time will tell!

anyway, now it;s time for

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rewatch, reminder

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Comments 2

winegums March 31 2012, 17:37:24 UTC
I'm on my way out right now bb, and don't know if I will make it back in 2 and a half hours exactly - I should, but might be a little late to the rewatch.


anamarya March 31 2012, 19:54:32 UTC
I might be a little late myself (I still have some chores - yes at 11 pm) so I guess I can wait for you to come if you still want to when you get back.


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