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Comments 7

scifishipper December 11 2010, 23:10:48 UTC
Hee. I see that Lee is not yet wearing his Pegasus pants. ;)


kdbleu December 12 2010, 01:15:37 UTC
There was clearly a tailor with a much better eye for detail on Pegasus. ;)


thrace_adama December 11 2010, 23:34:45 UTC
What she really means is, "Yes pls."


mserrada December 12 2010, 00:38:07 UTC
LOL! I was eating a crouton and nearly spit it out!
Don't we WISH that's what they said in this scene.


baciami2 December 12 2010, 05:57:54 UTC
Is Kara pointing unconsciously to her whoo-ha as we quote her saying, "please kiss it and make it better"....okay I'm just back from an Xmas party and the champagne was splendiferous!


angelicalangie December 12 2010, 12:02:00 UTC
i like your champagne addled brain *smooshes the drunk brain of baciami2*


delle December 13 2010, 03:14:26 UTC
I'm in the midst of costuming Nutcracker, so all I can think is "gee, those grey tanks really read brown, didn't they"

well, that and admire the pretty. don't mind me, I'm just lurking in my corner over here


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