DPP: Comment!Fic/Picspam: In the beginning, there were 33 minute intervals...

Sep 29, 2010 03:09

In the beginning, there were two pilots, both incredibly hot, brilliant, and trying to stay awake and alive after days of cylon attacks...

Lee was getting scruffy:

Kara was just trying to keep her eyes open:

Sometimes they didn't quite agree on strategy:

Cue the UST:

Fighting seemed to energize them both to keep going:

They got extra points if it was loud enough for the deckhands to notice:

During the third day of attacks, the pilots realized there were even better things than fighting that could be done in 33 minutes:

The pilots acknowledged their "fight or frak" dynamic and it was good...

Two choices for DPP posts today:
1) Comment!fic of fights, fraks, or both occurring in 33 minute intervals during the initial cylon attacks
2) Picspam crack stories like the one above that summarize the best of other pilots!scenes or episodes

p.s.--Congrats to Pali and Rachel for winning the "Pilots in One Word" S1 game today!! Thanks also to Heather and Artemis for playing!

p.p.s.--I know I promised you guys a game for S2. It's coming tomorrow, I'm just making some sparkly changes since we didn't have a lot of participation in today's game.

fic, dpp, picspam

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