
Apr 26, 2007 23:39

In other news...fucking... people. Why do I always surround myself or become attracted to negative, cruel, people? Ben and I were talking on MSN and we always trash talk each other but I was just stressed over homework and he kept saying harsh things and it just got to me, and i'm still all huffy about it, i'll probably sleep on it and be fine but ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

toast_is_lovely April 26 2007, 17:32:21 UTC

wht did he say sugar?

just keep in mind we're all really stressed about the assignment

also you do not surround yourself with negative people, ben is nice, just emotionally retarded sometimes.

ok deep breaths and country twang and perspective.


no_romana_no April 27 2007, 02:05:01 UTC
Oh he was just saying shite, nothing overtly creative or emotionally damaging.

Hahaha, when I saw "twang" I instantly perked up, you always know what to say....unlike Ben *scowl*


lemouse April 26 2007, 18:20:24 UTC
oh darling, it's ok! yes just remember that you're stressed and he probably couldn't tell what mood you were in (one of the reasons i hate communicating on MSN)... trash talk doesn't help in these occasions, but just remember that you do enjoy it (with ben and andrew and whatnot) when you're in a better mood.

Cheer up buttercup, we love you! :)



no_romana_no April 27 2007, 02:07:31 UTC
god damn it girl i don't see you nearly enough! *bursts into tears*



indignantant April 27 2007, 01:30:09 UTC
wow, sorry. didn't pick up on the whole 'i'm stressed' thing. i promise to dim down the degrading cruelty.


no_romana_no April 27 2007, 02:06:42 UTC
Ah! What the crap?! I didn't know you commented.. hmm, well either way, now you know...

I'm fine now, so you can continue with the burns, stress = gone.


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