This was done yesterday

Feb 27, 2007 21:42

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Comments 13

toast_is_lovely February 27 2007, 12:53:22 UTC
anywhere you go, sweeping the plains, you are weird, no es humano, remember that.


no_romana_no February 27 2007, 12:56:52 UTC

*faun dance* freaky would the faun look dancing?


toast_is_lovely February 27 2007, 13:10:43 UTC
that i want to see. at the end of the movie, we'll dress you up as a faun. dance, isaac, dance.


miconazole February 27 2007, 13:40:27 UTC
Yeah, we got a thunderstorm and yet no subsequent drop in temperature or humidity. I feel cheated :(


no_romana_no February 27 2007, 13:42:57 UTC
Oh I was lucky enough to get drenched so i was sufficently freezing on the bus back from uni...I cherished that 20 minutes on the bus.


gyges_ring February 27 2007, 14:06:42 UTC
Do you even have a week 14? Isn't it 13 week semesters? Does Curtin do the thing where this week is week 9, next week is week 10, etc. based on the weeks since the beginning of the year?


(The comment has been removed)

Re: Happy Belated Valentine's Day! no_romana_no February 28 2007, 09:09:16 UTC
Yes ma'am.

*raises legs*

Come on, stick it in.


cherrysorbet February 28 2007, 01:25:29 UTC
pfft. yeah. you SO didn't forget anyone else in your shout outs O_o

and darn, the guy above beat me to it....


no_romana_no February 28 2007, 09:09:59 UTC
Well now I have someone to give a shout out to in my next one don't I?

I've only mentioned people in this post who wanted ones in the last one, or who have given me my birthday presents.... ooo bitchy.


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