You would be interested in this Soon SUP will start testing a new type of account called "Sponsored account". The user who selects such an account type will have all the functionality of a paid account without paying (it will be paid by the advertiser). In return the user's profile will feature the advertiser's banner, and the journal will feature the advertiser's style. If an advertiser has a sponsored community, the user will be automatically added to it. The user can choose the advertiser and the advertiser's style that s/he likes.
Testing period starts within a month. People will be able to leave comments and suggestions. Then the offer will be made available to all Russian users, and later after appropriate agreements are signed abroad, the functionality will be available to all users.
in comments, there are clarifications that the Paid users will not see the advertisers' banners on Sponsored accounts, but will see the advertisers' styles. ?style=mine however will still override the advertisers' styles.
Edit: there are a couple of other interesting comments now. In particular, when you select a sponsor there will be a period of time during which you can decide whether you like the sponsor or not. Afterwards, you will not be able to switch account type or choose another sponsor for 3 months. Another tidbit is that sponsors will be able to refuse to sponsor you (if for instance you comment negatively about them).