Monetization and the Beta Home page

May 22, 2007 16:32

Note: Bitching about the layout, etc, of said beta homepage goes here, not here. I will give you the eeeevil eye. Tone of this post should be considered neutral, like eating a sandwich, and correlation does not imply causation.

A summary of the current (appx 4:30PM PST May 22, 2007) feedback poll on the new homepage as it relates to monetization ( Read more... )

ad implementation, frontpage design

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Comments 5

janinedog May 23 2007, 00:24:16 UTC
Personally, what I see when looking at those results is that the modules most related to the user and the user's friends (i.e. personalized modules) are the most popular ones, while the modules that are general ones for all of LJ are least popular. I actually see that correlation more than the one you're describing. :)


foxfirefey May 23 2007, 00:30:53 UTC
Oh, certainly! My correlation is not implying causation--that is, it's not because those modules are better monetized that makes them less popular. It's just a side effect--the general ones are more easy to monetize.


janinedog May 23 2007, 00:37:22 UTC
Ah, okay. :)


beckyzoole May 23 2007, 03:34:13 UTC
I don't mind having "what's popular" link to an Amazon affiliate account. It's a legitimate way to make money, that costs users nothing.

I don't mind the monetization of birthdays and account status, either. These seem to me to be legitimate, non-evil ways to encourage users to pay for the service.

Ads, and especially those vile sponsored QoTDs? Not good at all.


tallblue May 23 2007, 04:43:10 UTC
I do not like the writers block, but then again I do not like the QoTD on VOX. But I am rarely there, for some reason is is more confusing for me on VOX. I guess I am used to Live Journal.

I was not aware that the QoTD is sometimes sponsored. I am glad I don't answer them.

Web bugs, QoTDs, Writers Block, Polls ... everyone is going to dig dig and dig to find out our web browsing history, LJ habits and our information as a whole.

Like Google, Yahoo and the like.


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