Correction and some Wired articles of interest

Nov 09, 2006 02:34

anildash kindly corrects me on Vox having/not having communities in the future: "That being said, I'm not saying whether Vox will or won't have communities -- as far as I know, we haven't announced either way yet. My guess is we're going to just listen to the feedback people submit and judge by that, same as with everything else ( Read more... )

vox, sixapart, the press, staff talking, sup

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kunzite1 November 9 2006, 15:03:34 UTC

A real attention to privacy and control, which allows you to feel that you have a lot of flexibility in who can see your stuff

they keep pushing that they've got these awesome ways for security with entries.

excuse me? LJ's had that since like forever. it's nothing new.

And then the ability to play well with other web services. We integrate well with Flickr, YouTube, Amazon, Photobucket and iFilm

vox also integrates well with other services? heh, it took a while for vox video to be happy on LJ. and they've also got video from other sites that can be embedded as well. again, nothing new.

Six Apart, the San Francisco company that operates some of the world's most popular blogging platforms: TypePad, Movable Type and LiveJournal.

Right now, on the smallest level, TypePad blogs can cross post to Vox. It will give you an option to add, "I'll be writing about this on Vox." That's just one example. We imagine we'll have it for all of our products, including Movable Type.movable type and typepad are not very different. typepad ( ... )


anildash November 16 2006, 18:21:37 UTC
You think I quit LJ over ads?

No, didn't mean to suggest that. I just want to understand the differences in perception between various efforts around ads. For whatever misgivings there are about ads, I like that we didn't try to hide what we're doing or mislead people about it, and that we've tried to engage in an honest dialogue about how to improve. I ask so we can keep at least trying to get better at that.


ex_uniquewo November 16 2006, 19:16:30 UTC
"I like that we didn't try to hide what we're doing or mislead people about it."

Correct me if I'm wrong but I haven't seen Google Analytics or the web bug on the homepage mentioned anywhere but here. Have I missed something, somewhere?


anildash November 16 2006, 20:26:42 UTC
no question we've made some mistakes along the way, but we didn't throw it off the visible part of the page using CSS, is what i mean, or create thousands of pages of gibberish content.

anyway, i'm honestly not trying to start any kind of pissing match -- we've got lots of work and improvements to do and i'm happy to have people help us note them. it's just useful to understand how people see contrasting situations so we can anticipate what the community wants us to do.


ex_uniquewo November 16 2006, 21:08:21 UTC
"we've got lots of work and improvements to do and i'm happy to have people help us note them"

Does that mean this going to be mentioned anytime soon? Does this mean that Step 2 of account creation will mention that basic accounts are also free anytime soon? Does this mean that this FAQ will stop saying that Early Adopters, Basic Users, Nonregistered viewers or Logged-out Users only see ads when viewing a Plus account's journal anytime soon? The bit about "ads of the highest quality" is also... laughable to be honest.

Because, for some reason, I don't see this happening anytime soon so I don't know what to think of your statement. See?


ex_shattered767 November 17 2006, 02:47:19 UTC
"For whatever misgivings there are about ads, I like that we didn't try to hide what we're doing or mislead people about it ( ... )


anildash November 10 2006, 22:25:39 UTC

they keep pushing that they've got these awesome ways for security with entries.

excuse me? LJ's had that since like forever. it's nothing new.

Does that mean it's not a cool feature, or that we shouldn't promote it? I mean, c'mon, the goal here is to say what's neat about the platform, and the fact that one of our other tools has something similar doesn't mean we should ignore it, right?


kunzite1 November 11 2006, 03:12:05 UTC
my point is that it's not a new feature.

when i hear things being said about vox and how it's so awesome is that it's because it's so easy to change the visibility of your entries.

makes it sound to me like vox is better than other blogging services because of this. which isn't true if many other blogging services have the same feature.

one thing that is different is the language used for each security level since it's more of a conversational english rather than just a couple single-word terms.


matgb November 14 2006, 10:28:35 UTC
I think it's more the comments along the lines of "vox is different/new because we've got post security", which we've seen, especially from Mena, in more than one place, that just grates.

Yes, it's a great feature, and it's a good sales point. But it's a great feature that LJs had for years, that isn't a new feature. Describing it like it is is misrepresentation, and it'll especially annoy those of us that just see Vox as LJ-lite, as it looks like you're deprecating LJ in favour of the new toy.

Now, if this coherent stratagy included pushing LJ as well, and integrated them well? That'd be very different. Essentially, when selling Vox, if it looks like you're saying it's substantially different/better than LJ, then it'll annoy those of us that know it's not.

The differences are there, and there are vox features I like, but they're minor and/or UI compared to the basic functions.


foxfirefey November 14 2006, 18:33:27 UTC
anildash November 10 2006, 22:35:31 UTC
movable type and typepad are not very different. typepad is a commercial installation of movable type. stop making it sound like they're that different. :P

They're substantially different. Someday I'll drag you into our office and show you our SVN repository for TypePad. :) You can check out the MT codebase yourself and imagine what's different in a hosted service, especially around feature integration.

interaction between vox and other sites? yeah, give us a posting API.

We support Atom, and hey, a whole API for inserting content.

Look, I know you're frustrated, and I honestly hate to see that because you contribute a lot to the community. But a lot of this stuff is new to the general audience that's reading Wired News, and that means information has to get simplified sometimes. Feel free to IM/call/email/whatever anytime if you want to give us feedback on how to do a better job, though. :)


foxfirefey November 10 2006, 22:37:06 UTC
I wasn't aware the Vox API was live yet?


anildash November 10 2006, 22:41:52 UTC
d'oh, i suck. It's live on the updated version of Vox that runs inside our office firewall. I do think there is a simple posting API that's live, though. Sorry, honest mistake. :)

I should have figured we'd jump up and down about it more when the API is live and documented.


foxfirefey November 10 2006, 22:43:30 UTC
Oh, yes. It's just that I really have been looking for info on the API, and only found it recently. I've asked in the comments to, but I don't think anyone said anything. But then someone reminded me to Google "Vox API" and I found a couple Vox entries with people asking about it and getting told Atom.

But I haven't heard anyone saying that it's live or where to use it, yet, so!


kunzite1 November 11 2006, 03:26:42 UTC
They're substantially different.

are there places i can go to find differences between a vanilla MT install and the MT installs that come with typepad?

might be neat to have a place where it lists differences between a vanilla livejournal install and's install. (this isn't extremely difficult. one could scour and check out what's been implemented and that should get quite a few of the features written up.)

We support Atom, and hey, a whole API for inserting content.

the post you link to isn't very old, so, i'd argue that it's not general knowledge yet. i was waiting for a vox team post about it. after all, the vox team blog is a lot like news.

the open media profile seems to explain how to make vox play nice with another website that has searchable content. more like adding another search tool or youtube search tool. an example of something that could be implemented is if cafepress set one of these up. this still doesn't talk about posting entries ( ... )


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