Correction and some Wired articles of interest

Nov 09, 2006 02:34

anildash kindly corrects me on Vox having/not having communities in the future: "That being said, I'm not saying whether Vox will or won't have communities -- as far as I know, we haven't announced either way yet. My guess is we're going to just listen to the feedback people submit and judge by that, same as with everything else ( Read more... )

vox, sixapart, the press, staff talking, sup

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Comments 60

matgb November 9 2006, 11:48:02 UTC
From the Wired/Vox article:
at the same time, Movable Type, LiveJournal and TypePad are all very close to being profitable, too

I thought LJ was profitable at the point 6A bought Danga? Haave they run it down that much, did she miss speak, or another misquote?


donutgirl November 9 2006, 12:03:27 UTC
I was going to say exactly this.


ex_shattered767 November 9 2006, 13:46:04 UTC
Holy carp.


ex_uniquewo November 9 2006, 14:04:05 UTC
Back to being profitable then?


kunzite1 November 9 2006, 15:03:34 UTC

A real attention to privacy and control, which allows you to feel that you have a lot of flexibility in who can see your stuff

they keep pushing that they've got these awesome ways for security with entries.

excuse me? LJ's had that since like forever. it's nothing new.

And then the ability to play well with other web services. We integrate well with Flickr, YouTube, Amazon, Photobucket and iFilm

vox also integrates well with other services? heh, it took a while for vox video to be happy on LJ. and they've also got video from other sites that can be embedded as well. again, nothing new.

Six Apart, the San Francisco company that operates some of the world's most popular blogging platforms: TypePad, Movable Type and LiveJournal.

Right now, on the smallest level, TypePad blogs can cross post to Vox. It will give you an option to add, "I'll be writing about this on Vox." That's just one example. We imagine we'll have it for all of our products, including Movable Type.movable type and typepad are not very different. typepad ( ... )


matgb November 9 2006, 17:47:53 UTC
See, a selection of premium services (stats, trackback, more links) is definately something I'd buy.

Vox does appear to be eating people away from LJ. This is BAD, competing products from the same company don't work. If they'd integrate the two sites, but with a different UI then that would both be cool and make sense; it's aimed at a different market but integrates with the crossover. Gah!

Such basic business positioning errors. Ah well, I can alway export to Wordpress and have done with it...


kunzite1 November 9 2006, 17:52:50 UTC
how would you propose an integration of the sites?


matgb November 9 2006, 18:04:18 UTC
Ah, see, that's where it gets technical. And I don't do technical.

Given that Vox and LJ are both OpenID compliant, I'd have thought shared cookies or logons would be possible. Adding Voxers directly to your friends list and LJers to your neighbourhood should be fairly easy to do if they managed to get the databases to talk, it would be effectively like syndication. Post security levels would be harder I suspect, but there y'go, I don't do technical.

That my vox exists on LJ as an OpenID login (because all my OpenID accounts are set up here because I am that obsessive) is a bit daft; why can't they just integrate seeing as the servers are in the same room?

But, y'know, technicals. I'll leave that to people that do that.


kula November 9 2006, 19:40:07 UTC
The LiveJournal deal began percolating two months ago, when the Russian startup approached Six Apart with talk of acquiring the site.


(now with fixed HTML!)


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