7daysinasentra gets to set a tracking cookie on the front page of LJ

Oct 31, 2006 00:56

As glassstrider has noted, 7daysinasentra has gone live and is now promoted on the front page--with an ad click tracking link in place of the normal LJ community tag.

It also just happens to load a web bug:

So Atlas Solutions can set a tracking cookie from atdmt.com--just for loading the front page of LJ. Yup, LJ's front page now lets web behavior trackers load cookies directly from the front page.

Fortunately, unlike ads setting cookies from iframes, it is very easy to block third party tracking cookies set by web bugs. (Which is why the trackers on a whole have been moving towards more sneaky methods instead, actually, as if choosing to block third party cookies wasn't enough of a hint.) Instructions for IE, Firefox 1.5.x, and Opera. For Firefox 2, follow the instructions at http://www.mozillazine.org/misc/about:config/ to change network.cookie.cookieBehavior to 1.

sponsored communities, third party sites

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