This week in teevee

Nov 18, 2007 02:46

Chuck )

tv, poetry, fnl, spn, sga

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Comments 4

anitac588 November 18 2007, 12:15:56 UTC
John speaks to him in this... oh god, this SOFT VOICE, which really sounds like bedroom/comfort voice, and he looks like he's about to embrace him
Totally, if one were to listen to the scene with closed eyes, ahem, noise of bodies moving under the sheets could easily be added, followed by the noise of John kissing Rodney to comfort them both.

I enjoyed Carter in this episode very much, and you know how much I disliked the idea of her in Atlantis. I think it's because she felt - for the first time for me - as a member and a leader of Atlantis and not someone who was sent from Milky way to do the things the Earth/IOA way.


no_detective November 19 2007, 22:33:02 UTC
Yes! It's true! They are so lovey-dovey with each other, Anita, they take my breath away.

It was wonderful to hear from you yesterday, darling. Hope life is treating you right these days. You deserve it. *hugs*


isagel November 18 2007, 14:25:56 UTC
Is it just me not keeping track, or are there like ten different new shows I'm not watching yet that have characters named Chuck? My f-list is getting confusing. It's a bit like when there were suddenly two Captain Jacks. (You don't want to know how long it took me to realize most people were no longer talking about Jack Sparrow. *g*)

I kinda love how that poem pinpoints the human need to experience the endings of stories.

Btw, you've seen the Doctor Who Children in Need special, right? If not, you must, because you'll love that one joke about the Master.


no_detective November 19 2007, 22:38:31 UTC
Ahaha, yes! There's the show Chuck about a guy by that name; there's a Chuck on SGA (the technician); there's a female Chuck a.k.a. Charlotte Charles on Pushing Daisies; and I think there's another Chuck on... Gossip Girl? But I don't watch that one. But yeah, it's getting seriously confusing!

Glad you liked the poem. I loved it for the same reason. *g*

I've DLed the special but I haven't had the time to watch it yet; sometime this week, I hope. Speaking of things Simm, I've tried to watch Crime and Punishment and I just couldn't finish; it was too awful! But I totally loved his character on Sex Traffic - even though that show gave me nightmares. HOW CAN HE BE SO ADORABLE OMG.

Next stop: The Lakes. Ah, so many DVDs, so little time...


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