Ah, Thursdays.

Mar 22, 2007 23:56

Smallville )

life stuff, sv, asstalkery, spn

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Comments 10

notpoetry March 23 2007, 06:30:38 UTC
You work very very close to my job! Yay!


no_detective March 24 2007, 03:53:54 UTC
Yay! Let's meet for lunch and go to the MoSex gift shop!


trepkos March 23 2007, 08:12:42 UTC
Le Book made me cry with laughter.


no_detective March 24 2007, 03:54:18 UTC
Me too! It's just so incredibly TRUE.


(The comment has been removed)

no_detective March 24 2007, 03:55:15 UTC
Hey, the way I see it, I'm doing them a favor. They're gawked at enough by the tourists. ;-)


chelseagirl March 23 2007, 14:01:53 UTC
When my husband used to bartend at the Olive Garden in Chelsea (sad but true, hey it was his first job in this country!), Ethan Hawke used to bring his kids in sometimes. He read The Night Before Christmas at a community carol service I used to sing in, a couple of years back, so I can say I've shared a stage with him . . . The guy they got the next year, someone I've seen doing Shakespeare in the Park several times, was much better though. fwiw.


no_detective March 24 2007, 03:59:03 UTC
He's quite the Chelsean. (Is that a word?) And that's really nifty, that you shared the stage with him - even if he got upstaged by his successor. And probably by your singing, too, from what I remember of the Buffy sing-a-long!


chelseagirl March 28 2007, 19:07:39 UTC
*blush* I was part of a neighborhood choral society, extremely charming but of mixed ability, so I doubt it. But thanks. Always glad to hear compliments on my singing! ;-) One of these days (when my dissertation is done) I'm going to find a new group to sing with.


bethfrish March 23 2007, 19:06:15 UTC
DUDE, Ethan Hawke's ass needs to leave you the hell alone. What's with that thing, seriously?

My brother is going through an unfortunate Ethan Hawke hair phase. He even has the same pathetic chin fuzz. Oh, the curse of the straight-haired white male.


no_detective March 24 2007, 04:01:07 UTC
The worst part is, I know the cops will just laugh at me if I try to get a PPO on Ethan Hawke's ass. See? It sounds funny! They'll think I'm crazy! NOBODY UNDERSTAAAAAANDS!!!

Oh, the curse of the straight-haired white male. - BWAH! That describes so many people, so very efficiently.


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