Oh, sucky day.

Mar 07, 2007 23:09

I won't bother you with a full sucky day report, dear flist, but suffice it to say that it involved plumbers. Three of them. And not getting anything done today because I couldn't leave the apartment - due to said plumbers. Also, playing negotiator between old roommate J and new roommate whom we will call... Sylar. Yes. (HE KEEPS USING OUR ( Read more... )

infantuation, heroes, spn

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Comments 2

carla_scribbles March 8 2007, 05:13:36 UTC

*really, really must start working on that fic claim, once have dug way out from under current pile o'WsIP*


asta77 March 8 2007, 13:25:08 UTC
Profit community? I must check that out. Thanks. :)


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