Three. 1/4. NC-17. Jared/Jensen.

Jun 29, 2009 20:27

Title: Three. 1/4
Author: Zenamydog
Guest Author: Violet_eyes
Rating: NC-17
Fandom: RPS. Supernatural.
Characters/Pairing: First time Jared/Jensen, Misha/Vicki/ Kayla, Jared/Genevieve, Jensen/Danneel
Warnings: A tiny bit of het? *grins* If you are looking for PWP you WON'T find it here. It is a slow ride to where we are going.
Beta: jdsampson
Disclaimer: Man, if I owned these boys, they’d hurt a hell of a lot more. *winks*

AN: I just couldn’t bring myself to write the ‘het’ so Violet_eyes gave me a hand. Thank you babe!

Summary: Jared, Jensen and their girlfriends are invited to a housewarming by Misha and Vicki. Misha and Vicki's lifestyle is a little unconventional. It triggers something that neither Jared nor Jensen saw coming.

Misha sat in the kitchen of his brand new Vancouver apartment and looked around. He was sipping at the beer, Vicki had just handed him.

They were having a house warming, or… you know, apartment warming, with just a few friends, a few cocktails and a joint or two.

Vicki had spent the entire afternoon preparing and Misha couldn’t help but grin. She had met every one on this relatively new gig, of course, but this was her way of being included.

“What time did the boys finish filming?” Vicki echoed Misha’s term for them as she put the quiche in the oven.

“Not sure,” Misha said and stretched. He’d been working until midnight and Jared and Jensen still had a scene to do when he’d left. “…’bout two, I’d say.”

“So what time did you---,” Vicki stopped suddenly when Misha grabbed her from behind and spun her around to be flush with his body.

“Would you stop already?”

Vicki smiled and a confused look crossed her face.

“It’s gonna be fine. I told you. You don’t need to worry.”

“I’m not worried.” Vicki feigned insult and twisted out of his arms with a grin she tried to hide. “Get out of here, would you? I still have to get the salad ready.”

Misha stepped forward and pulled them together again, this time rubbing himself suggestively against her. “We’ve got another three hours before anyone gets here,” he said as he started to kiss the side of her neck. “Maybe we could save some water?”

Vicki let out a half moan, half sigh… “Well…” She bought her hand around his hips and squeezed. “I do need to wash my hair.”


Misha had gone public with the fact that he found the boy’s relationship slash friendship, interesting.

He was a smart man and he’d seen lot’s of this sort of thing. Guys being too ‘manly’ to admit the truth, but Jared didn’t strike him as one of those. Jensen on the other hand…

The four of them had arrived fashionably late and Misha was looking forward to seeing the interactions between Jared and Genevieve, Jensen and Danneel, at close proximity. Not to mention, Jared and Jensen.

It was bugging him and he really wanted to work out if his hunch was right. He’d thought these two had the ‘hots’ for each other for ages, but it was also clear that the relationship they had with their girlfriends was genuine as well.

Vicki said it was clear to her that they hadn’t taken that extra step, but it was obvious they’d wanted to.

He trusted her opinion. She was after all, a sexual historian, already halfway there when they met in high school. She was now a famous author. Her book, The Threesome Handbook, hit the best sellers list upon release.

“What time is Kayla getting in,” Misha asked as he took the joint from Vicki.

“Who’s Kayla?” Jared asked innocently as he sipped the strange-looking cocktail he had in his hand.

“Our girlfriend,” they said in unison.

He couldn’t help the grin on his face when Jared’s mouth dropped into a perfect ‘O’.

Kayla had been their girlfriend for the past few months, but unlike the wonderfully complicated, but ultimately painful, relationship they’d had with Dani, Kayla lived in LA, was a well established business woman and while there was genuine affection, it really was a friends with benefits relationship.

“Jared?” Misha bobbed his head and waved a hand in front of Jared’s face.

Vicki giggled and moved past him to leave Misha standing with Jared who’d turned a light shade of pink.

“It’s cool, man,” Misha reassured. “Not the norm of situations, I know. Didn’t even know she was coming, until a couple of hours ago. She called while I was in the shower.” He sighed unhappily. “She’s got a week off so she hopped on a plane.”

“Ah… She normally do that?” Jared asked curiously and in a tone at least one octave higher than his normal voice.

“She hasn’t had to. We were living less than an hour away before.”

“Oh…” Jared nodded. It was clear that he was still a bit shell shocked, but he grinned and his eyes darted toward Vicki and then back to him.

Misha had seen that look before. That undeniable glint in someone’s eyes. He returned Jared’s smile and said, “You’re curious, aren’t you?”

Jared laughed nervously. “Are you shitting me? It’s every guy’s wet dream. Of course I wanna know what it’s like.”

Misha went on to explain a few of the pit falls, but mostly the hotness of three in a bed. He went onto explain complicated yoga positions with dry wit that had Jared wiping away tears of laughter.

Mission accomplished, Misha mused to himself.

Kayla really had called while he and Vicki were going at it in the shower and he grinned at the fact, his first thought was he couldn’t wait to see the look on Jared and Jensen’s faces when she arrived.

It’s not that he meant that in a bad way, but he couldn’t help be pleased she could come after all. When they’d first asked her to come up for the dinner party, she couldn’t get the time off, but apparently she’d pulled rank somehow and now he and Vicki needed to smooth the waters prior to her arrival.

It wasn’t as if he was ashamed of his and his wife’s lifestyle, shit, it was public knowledge, His wife had even written a book, but still… If they’d known, they would have prepared their guests weeks ago.

He needed to check in on Vicki. They’d planned for her to tackle Jensen.


“Just wanted to let you know that dinner’s delayed a little,” Vicki said to Jensen and Danneel, who were curled up together on the living room couch. “We’ve got another guest coming in from LA.” Vicki looked at the clock on the wall. “She should be here in about half an hour.”

They were looking at each other and it was clear, by the flush on their faces and the cock-sucking-cowboys in their hands, that they were a little tipsy. It was also clear that they weren’t really listening as they nodded politely.

Vicki sat on the chair opposite and continued, “Kayla, she’s Misha’s and my girlfriend. Just wanted to let you guys know so you don’t get a shock.”

Ping! She suddenly had their attention.

“Really?” Danneel said and grinned.

Okay, she’s fine with it.

Jensen was nothing if not a good actor. His face didn’t change at all and Vicki could have missed the slightest tinge of pink in his cheeks, if she weren’t looking for it.

“I thought you’all split last year?” Jensen said with a small frown.

Vicki smiled. It was obvious that Jensen was talking about Dani and that he’d had some sort of conversation with her husband. “No…” Her smile slipped slightly. “That was someone else.”

Danneel frowned in sympathy, but Jensen was the one to apologize. “Sorry,” he said and Vicki felt his concern.

“No, problem,” she reassured. “Kayla’s gorgeous and we love her. Would have mentioned her earlier, but she couldn’t make it at first.”

Jensen shrugged. “Hey, it’s your dinner party.”

Vicki nodded. “Just thought I’d let you know.” She grinned. “Haven’t seen her for weeks. Don’t want it to be awkward when we jump all over her.”

Danneel giggled and took a sip of her drink. “No… Wouldn’t want that.”

She didn’t miss the sideways glance Jensen gave his girlfriend.

Vicki looked up when Misha walked in with his cell to his ear. “Yeah, okay… See you soon, babe.” He closed the phone and looked at her.

“She’s just got into the cab.”


Jared had taken the joint Misha offered and gone to stand out on the balcony when Genevieve found him.

She smiled and wrapped her small frame around his tall one. “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you stoned before,” she said looking up at him and suddenly, maybe it was the dope, but all he could think about was if she could see the hairs up his nose. He laughed.

She laughed in response. “What?”

“Nothing.” He shook his head, but he could not remove the goofy smile he had on his lips.

“What?” she insisted.

Some semblance of clear thought filtered through and he felt silly, so he tried for the distraction. “Did Misha or Vicki mention Kayla to you yet?”


He was still grinning and he knew it, but now it was genuine and not T.H.C. induced. “She’s coming in from LA. She’s their new girlfriend.”

He laughed when Gen’s face probably mirrored his earlier one. He leaned down and kissed the ‘O’ from her mouth.

The balcony’s double doors were open and there was soft music coming from inside. He probed with his tongue and swayed a little.

They both grinned around the kiss when the doorbell rang.

He stubbed out the joint in a pot plant and tipped his head for Genevieve to follow. They walked in just in time to see Kayla come through the door and into Misha’s arms. He hugged her and Jared noticed the clear familiarity.

Vicki moved into replace Misha for a hug and you would be forgiven in thinking this was simply two people welcoming someone they’d not seen in a while. Of course, that changed when Vicki pulled out of the hug and then kissed Kayla.

Not your, quick peck on the check or even lips. It was a full on, ‘I’ve missed you my lover,’ kind of kiss and Jared couldn’t look away. He did though, out of curiosity a second later. He wanted to see the look on Jensen’s face.


Jensen needed a cigarette. That’s all that went though his mind when Vicki locked lips with Kayla. He couldn’t help the sideways glance he gave Danneel. She had a dazed look in her eyes and a grin on her face.

She had offered to do that for him once and he’d seriously considered it, but eventually declined. It had got him lots of sex and plenty of attention, because Danneel had deemed that a sign of his ‘true’ feelings for her.

The fact was he did love her. Was, ‘in’ love with her, there was no denying that. They had been ‘buddies’ long before Ten Inch Hero, but it was that movie that changed the balance.

His musings must have zoned him out longer than he thought, because all of a sudden Misha was talking to him and introducing Kayla.

“Nice to meet you.” He schooled his face into a smile, which he found surprisingly easy. She was a lovely looking lady and he liked her aura.

Okay… So that was freaky. When exactly did he start seeing auras?

Vicki had started to pick up Kayla’s suitcase and Jensen intervened. “Here, let me.” He moved passed Misha and took it from her.

She smiled gratefully and he followed her up the stairs and into the main bedroom.

“Just over there by the bed,” Vicki instructed.

He dropped the heavy black suitcase on the floor and wiped his hand on the back of his jeans.

“Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” He started to walk out, but turned to look at her. “Can I ask you a question?”

Vicki grinned. “Sure, Jensen. Anything.”

“This… this three way thing. It makes you happy?”

Vicki’s grinned widened and she looked at him with a question in her eyes. “Would never have given you credit to ask a question like that. I think I’ve underestimated you. I’m sorry.”

Jensen frowned. “Underestimated?”

“We were a bit concerned it would make you all too uncomfortable.”

Jensen winked at her and grinned. “I’m full of surprises.”

“Right,” she said with a smile. “Well let’s go down and enjoy the party then.”

He nodded and followed her downstairs into the dining room.

The dinner was simple, but filling and Jensen went out for that cigarette when everyone else retired to the living room.

There were three, three-seated couches in the living room and when he came back in, Danneel and Genevieve were on one, Jared was on one and Misha, Vicki and Kayla on the other.

Jensen simply went for the spare seat and sat down next to Jared.

It was getting on into the night and the cocktails were taking their toll. Or… you know… loosening inhibitions a little. Somehow the conversation went from a funny story Misha was telling about still having problems with his back after Nip-Tuck, to the strangest place you’ve ever had sex.

“Umm…” Danneel scrunched her nose. “I can tell you where NOT to have sex and that’s on a beach on the sand. Man… does that sand get into places.”

They all laughed and Vicki high fived her, obviously identifying. Jensen had to strain to remember if that had been with him. Short answer… no.

“Jensen?” Danneel turned the question on him.

He grinned and relaxed a little. “That’s not fair. You said where not to… Not the weirdest,” he challenged.

She smiled affectionately at him and poked her tongue out. “Okay… On the back of a fruit truck, full of fruit and on the way to market.”

Jensen chuckled and shook his head as the others laughed and Misha asked, “Oh that would be priceless. How on earth?”

“It was his dad’s truck and Kevin said they weren’t supposed to be leaving for at least an hour.” She blushed a little. “And before you ask, I was nineteen.”

The murmuring turned quiet and then they were looking at him. He put on his, best straight face, but couldn’t keep it. He pinched the bridge of his nose to hide the grin and shook his head.

“Come on, Jensen,” Jared encouraged and then they were all heckling him.

“Alright, alright.” He held up his hand and let out a slow breath.

“Seems to me, you have to decide between more than one,” Misha interjected.

Jensen laughed and didn’t seem to care quite so much that his cheeks had reddened. “In the back of Impala One, with Tania.”

Danneel’s eyes widened and Jensen knew he was in for it. He’d once told her they could never do that, when she’d asked.

“Wait… It gets better,” he added. “We got caught.”

“Oh my god!” both Genevieve and Jared squealed and Misha asked the question that was on all their lips.

“Who caught you?”

“Eric and Kim.”

“No way!” Jared slapped his knee and Jensen could see a tear rolling down his cheek.

When the laughter died down, Jared asked, “What did they say?”

“Kim laughed and had the decency to blush.”

“And Eric?”

“He rode my ass about it. Softened a little later when I actually started to date Tania.”

They laughed longer than that should have and Jensen finally added, “I don’t think he left me alone with her again on set, for the rest of the shoot.”

Vicki stood and looked around at everyone’s drinks. “Refills?” She laughed when everyone said yes.

Vicki went into the kitchen, Kayla slipped closer to Misha and rested her hand on his knee.

He took her hand and gave it a shake. “Your turn.”

Jensen didn’t think it was possible, considering, but Kayla turned a bright shade of pink. She looked at Misha and everyone laughed when they picked up that whatever it was, it was with him, or… them?

Kayla grinned and sat a little straighter. “In that tent in India.”

“Oh, what?” Misha joked. “That is so straight-laced boring. You must have something better than that?”

Everyone knew that Misha was not being serious, but Kayla’s grin slipped and she turned to face him.

“That was the first time I slept with you and Vicki.”

Oops… Jensen wasn’t sure where to look.

“Ahh…” Misha’s eyes widened. “I knew---,”

“It’s not that it was in a tent or that it was India. It was weird because having three in a bed, or… sleeping bag.” She shrugged. “First time… It’s weird.”

Misha looked at her and there was concern and a hint of guilt in his eyes. Jensen thought he was about to apologize, but Kayla suddenly grinned.

“And fucking hot,” she said as she almost crawled on to his lap and kissed him hard.

“Hey!” Vicki said as she entered the room. “I want some of that.”

The almost tension dissipated completely as Vicki handed out the cocktails and beers. She took her own and sat down next to Kayla, who twisted and curled into her.

“Someone want to clue me in?” Vicki asked with a grin as Kayla kissed the side of her neck and she shifted to put her arm around her.

Kayla laughed and sat up to look Vicki in the eye. “If I said Tent and India? What would you think of?”

Vicki grinned. “Is this a trick question?”

Misha laughed.

“Well?” Kayla challenged good-naturedly.

Vicki shrugged. “That’s easy. Your first time with me and Misha.”

Jared slapped his knee again, Genevieve and Danneel squealed and Misha put his face in his hands.

Jensen laughed too. He was having a good time despite his reservations, but he really did need another cigarette.


Misha watched Jared watch Jensen the moment he got up. He had ducked out of the back door and into the small patio, presumably for a smoke.

Jared threw back the rest of his beer and stood. He seemed to waver for a second and Misha thought he was going to topple backwards, but he righted himself and grinned. “Yep, definitely need another one.”

It was Saturday night, well… Sunday morning and they had all been working hard. The early start had meant little down time, but it was the Labor Day weekend and they weren’t due to shoot until early Tuesday.

He grinned to himself when Jared walked straight through the kitchen and joined Jensen on the patio. He felt a little voyeuristic, because he could see them both clearly through the half opened curtain.


“Can I have one of them?” Jared asked as he approached Jensen.

Jensen frowned slightly, but handed him the pack. “Don’t know how you can do that.”

“This?” Jared lit the cigarette.

“Yeah… Be a social smoker. Smoke when you’re pissed and then not worry about it. Wish I could.”

Jared knew Jensen regretted being addicted to tobacco, but he was too chilled out to go down that track right now. He took another drag of the cigarette and studied Jensen out the corner of his eye. “So… What do you make of all of this?”

Jensen shrugged, but Jared knew it was an actor’s shrug. He’d been watching Jensen all night and knew he must have formed some sort of opinion.

“Come on, spill. I think it’s cool.”

“Kayla seems nice,” Jensen admitted and a small smile crossed his lips.

“You know she’s some sort of CEO or something?”

Jensen nodded. “Yeah, you wouldn’t pick it, would you?”

“What? That she’s a CEO or a lesbian?” Jared made a face. “Wait. She can’t be a lesbian, because she sleeps with men too. Okay, so it’s both at the same time, but…”

Jensen laughed at his musing. “Yeah, yeah, okay.”

“Well don’t you think…” He felt his cheeks heat up slightly. “Don’t you think it’s kind of hot?”

“I’m sure there is a lot more to it than sex.”

Jensen always went down the logical path and Jared was too curious not to mention, high, to let him.

“Jesus, Jen… Are you telling me that you’ve never even thought about doing something like that?”

Jensen nodded slowly. “As a one off, maybe, but as an ongoing thing…” He shook his head and a smile formed on his lips that went all the way to his eyes.

“What?” Jared asked.

Jensen made a half hearted attempt at saying, ‘never mind’ and then pulled out another smoke. It wasn’t until he lit it that Jared realized this one was of the green variety.

“This whole threesome thing…” Jensen looked at him. “Vicki strikes me as an equal opportunity, kind of person.”

Jared looked at him and he knew that he was supposed to be catching on to something, but honestly, he had no idea, and so he shrugged. “Yeah, so?”

“Dude?” Jensen laughed. “Isn’t it obvious? Right now they have a ‘girl’friend. Right? But what happens when Vicki wants a ‘boy’friend?”

Jared’s mind froze over. He had not stopped to think about the other side of the coin. “Oh…”

Jensen grinned and leaned forward to close Jared’s open mouth by touching him under the chin.

Okay, so that had to be the dope, because Jared thought for a split second Jensen was going to lean in further and kiss him. And whoa… Where did that come from?

“Never thought about that,” Jared confessed finally. “She wouldn’t expect him to…” He looked at Jensen for understanding. “You know?”

Jensen laughed again, but this time he almost dropped the joint he was smoking. He nodded. “She does and he has.” He laughed harder than Jared had seen in a long time.

Jared knew his mouth was hanging open again, but he was powerless to do anything about it. He suspected that Jensen was laughing at him. “Hey,” he protested and snatched the joint from Jensen’s fingers.

He took a puff and handed it back to Jensen. “When did he tell you all this?”

Jensen’s wide grin vanished and his eyes widened ever so slightly before Jensen slammed down the defenses, but he had nowhere to go. Jared was on to him. “Jensen?” He closed the small gap between them. “How do you know he’s been with a guy?”

Jensen looked up at him and there was a sobering moment. It lasted only a second, but considering what they were discussing…

Jared blinked. What was going on with him?

“Simple.” Jensen shrugged. “I read her book.”

“You read it?” He grinned. You never cease to amaze me.

Jensen shrugged and his smile returned. “Interesting concepts.”

He couldn’t imagine that Jensen had bought the book himself it must have been a gift. But if Misha had given Jensen one, he would have received one too. Wouldn’t he? Maybe Danneel gave it to him?

“And it actually says that Misha…?”

“It says that the author and her husband have had experimental threesomes with both sexes.”

Jared nodded. “So… Where did you get a copy? I mean…”

Jensen blushed, but he was looking at him, like he was wondering something.

“I bought it. Research…” Jensen said. “Danneel offered and…” He shrugged.

“Needed to be prepared?” Jared offered and smiled.

Jensen winked at him and handed him the end of the joint. He took it and inhaled. “Wonder if Gen would go for it?”

“You really are curious, aren’t you?”

“Well aren’t you? Are you going to?”

“No.” Jensen shook his head. “Too risky.”

Jared frowned and then pinched the bridge of his nose. A second later he was falling forward and Jensen was holding him up.

“Jay?” the concerned tone was underwritten by the strain of holding him upright.


Misha couldn’t hear anything the boys were saying to each other, but he was rather an expert at body language, but even that, wasn’t what held his interest.

Did they even realize how they looked at each other? At the risk of feeling nauseous, Misha put a word to it.

Romantic… and most definitely meaningful.

He knew his wife was correct, though. She told him to stay out of it. They only needed a catalyst and it would happen naturally.

He raised an eyebrow when he realized that all four girls had positioned themselves to talk amongst themselves.

He caught Vicki’s eye and winked. She grinned back at him and then laughed at something Danneel said.

He went back to looking out at the patio, just in time to see Jared fall… maybe faint, into Jensen’s arms.

It took him a full five seconds to move, he didn’t want to alarm the women. So he walked from the living room and then ran to the back door. “Jared?” he said as he stepped through it and moved to Jared’s side.

Jensen had lowered him to the ground and Jared sat droopy-eyed and weak against him.

He looked at Jensen, it was meant as a question, but he couldn’t help but notice the sheer panicked look in Jensen’s eyes.

“Too many cocktails and drugs?” Misha asked.

Jensen’s eyes hardened as he nodded. “Probably.”

Misha moved to the other side of Jared and they didn’t need to speak as they both stood and got Jared to his feet.

Jensen immediately took the lead and wrapped Jared’s arm protectively around his shoulder. “I got him,” Jensen said, when Misha started to do the same.

Jared was a little more coherent when Jensen sat him on the kitchen chair and went to get water.

“What happened?” Misha asked.

Jared took in a deep breath and Misha watched Jared take the glass from Jensen. Or… more importantly, Jensen give the glass. There was no mistaking the ‘accidental brush of fingers’ or the look of concern.

There was no mistaking the back off, look Jensen gave him, when he asked again what happened. Misha wasn’t sure if it was protective or possessive.

Jensen grabbed a chair and sat beside Jared. He took the glass from this hand the moment he finished drinking and there was the touch again. He decided that he was mistaken. Jensen probably wasn’t even aware he was doing it.

“Just dizzy,” Jared finally said.

“How many of those cock-sucking-cowboys have you had?” Misha tried to lighten the mood.

Jared grinned. “Umm… A few?” He scratched the back of his head. “Been a while since I smoked, too.”

Both he and Jensen laughed.

They all grinned again when they heard the girls laughing loudly from the living room.

Jared started to stand. “We should get back.”

Jensen’s hand flew out and stopped him. “Hang on there, cowboy. Are you sure it’s just the alcohol and dope?”

Jared smiled at Jensen, then. They connected with their eyes, the way Misha had been so fascinated by, earlier. “Really… I’m fine. Just a dizzy spell.”

Jensen’s eyes said that he still didn’t like it, but he was the one to look away first. “Okay then,” he said and the girls laughed loudly again.

“Sounds interesting.” Misha commented and they all headed back to the living room.

Kayla was draped around Vicki and Misha couldn’t help the small jump in his cock. He was going to have that tonight.

They were obviously oblivious to the fact that they had returned, or had even gone for that matter, as they giggled their way through whatever conversation they were having.

Misha sat down next to Kayla and Jared and Jensen sat on the other couch.

“Want to let us in on the joke?” Misha laid his arm along the back of the couch.

They all seemed to get a shock and looked towards them. “No.” Vicki said and smiled.

That’s all it took for Misha to lean in and squash Kayla to grab Vicki on the waist and tickle. “What did you say, wench?” he joked.

Vicki squealed and Misha retracted. She looked at him and there was the sparkle of mischief in her eyes that he loved so much. “We were talking about the difference between kissing a woman on camera and kissing a woman because you want to,” Vicki confessed, but there was a clear challenge in her tone.

“Oh…” Jared was the only one to say it out loud, but they all weren’t expecting that. Trust Vicki.

“Yeah,” Genevieve piped up. “I’m the only one that’s not kissed a girl for real.”

“I told her we could change that,” Kayla laughed.

Jensen laughed and rolled his eyes. He knew where this was going, but Jared…

“Really? Never?” he was talking to Genevieve.

Her face sobered and she tilted her head to one side. “And when was the last time you kissed a guy… even on screen?”

Oh shit! Misha laughed. “Oh… I’m staying out of this one.” He looked at Jensen for support.

Jared looked at Jensen and Jensen tipped his head in his direction. “I’m with Misha,” Jensen laughed. “Sorry.”

Jared took the laugher in his stride and with a small blush of his cheeks. “Think I need another drink.”

Jensen’s smile was gone in a second and Misha could have sworn it was Dean standing there. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

His question brought the tone of the room down immediately, but like a true pro, Jared fed him the lines and Jensen worked his way around the unintentional provocative question.

“I thought I was going to throw up,” Jared lied.

“Yeah and I’m not Dean. I won’t be holding your hair out of the way.” Jensen didn’t miss a beat.

Yes you would. That’s exactly what you’d be doing. He laughed with the rest of them.

“I’m sure if Gen takes Kayla up on her offer…” Danneel looked at Jared and raised a single eyebrow. “Maybe that would make you feel… you know… better,” she teased.

Oh God… Misha thought. This could get out of hand. He wanted to take a look at the dynamics of their relationships, he was curious he had to admit, but this could turn into something regretted. Like the office girl who has sex with her boss at the office Christmas party. It could go sour later on, no matter how much they seem to be enjoying themselves now.


Gen really did know her boyfriend well enough to know he wanted her to do it. She wanted to, too, despite herself. Every fiber of her being screamed, no, wrong and bad idea, but the alcohol had definitely loosened her inhabitations and damn it… She felt left out, having been the only female not to have done it.

Suddenly and without much thought she found herself moving and almost straddling Kayla. Then she was grabbing Kayla by the face. She leaned in and kissed her hard on the mouth.

It was harsh, but Kayla opened her mouth for her. It lasted only seconds as she pulled back after the briefest clash of tongues. She stared to climb off, but Kayla grabbed her arm.

“Now properly,” Kayla said and laced her fingers behind her head. She pulled her down softly and this time when their lips met Kayla opened and she was the one to respond.

Their tongues swirled in each other’s mouth and surprisingly it felt exactly like it had when she had done it on screen, but this wasn’t acting and she let herself feel the heightened awareness that came with arousal. When she pulled back, everyone was clapping and wolf-whistling. Including Jared.

“Umm…” Jared stood and for a second Genevieve thought he might be angry at her. There was a smile on his face, but…

“Can I speak to you privately?” he said and grabbed her by the hand and yanked.

She realized what was in his eyes and followed him willingly.

“Hey…” Misha called out. “Don’t be long now… And remember to be safe…”

His voice faded, but they heard the roar of laughter as they climbed the stairs.

To Be Continued…
AN: Hope you all like and continue to read. Chapter two up mid week. (((hugs))) Z.



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