DPP Wednesday! Fight for Your Right to Multi-ship.

Feb 15, 2012 09:04

Some of us are die-hard 'Kara/Lee or no one!' shippers. Some of us have soft spots for the other relationships Kara and Lee ended up in throughout the series. And some may main-ship Kara or Lee with someone else entirely, but have been swayed by this lovely community to start understanding just why we love Starbuck and Apollo together.

So let's have at it!

Make your best case for who Lee and Kara belong with, other than each other.

Try to convince your fellow shippers why you love another pairing. Is there someone else Kara and Lee really connect with? Why? Although we know their other (established) relationships don't really work out towards the end of the show, do you think they would have, had the situations been different? Is there anyone on the show that you thought would have made a great significant other or frak buddy for either of them (but the writers just never went there)? Maybe some of us don't understand why you ship Kara and ?, or Lee and ?, so give us your best attempt at leading us over to the dark side.

If you're one of the dedicated few who can't see them with anyone else, then let's hear why you can't even begin to think of them apart!

dpp, daily pilots post

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