Title: System Merge
Fandom: Transformers
Universe: One Final Effort
Rating: K+/T (Erring on the side of caution)
Characters/Pairings: Red Alert, Teletraan, mentions of Inferno
Word Count: 1,093
Warnings: Mind altering, 'spiritual death', mention of a canonical character death, unbeta'd, general WTFery
Summary: When they had saved Teletraan they gave up another for it, they just didn't know or denied doing such.
Chapter Link List:
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They tended to see him as a drone, sparkless and without any higher processing capabilities outside of his classification parameters.
/Input of the battle schematics for A-2234 Quadrant Z Helix acceleration/
Processing…initializing priority subroutine. Compression and Archiving of relevant data in progress.
His once designation lost to all but a few that still talked to him on audio frequencies that were not hard lined into his memory storage devices for input. Some who only ever touched upon his existence to input new data or request data to be given thought of him as nothing more then the Archival Artificial Intelligence of Iacon Legislative and Broadcasting Network, or Teletraan.
/Inquiry about the tactical advantageous of the maneuvers of Unit Alpha 3 six upon the moon of Kal-en Solfri system in regards to the gestalt teams Bruticus and Meansor./
Calculating…Accessing neural uplinks level T-231, encryption level Theta.
He never responded to the ones who communicated with him out loud and so they all thought he was unaware, but he knew, and knew them on a level they didn’t understand’ as the bright lines and nodes of data that those search parameters lead to in intricate yet orderly ways, also snaked through the vibrant novas of mechs that unwittingly opened themselves to his access when they would interface with any machine he was connected to. Those that he once considered his own hardware specification tribe an open and freely given well of data and code lines to be accessed and stored for future use within his own memory processors. Something that before had never been an option outside of the brief contacts with such vast amounts of stored data when he would uplink to one of the city A.I.’s for routine maintenance of their security coding and equipment, or during this war to hack and breach systems that had fallen into the hands of the Decepticons.
Free space in primary and secondary memory cores insufficient for any more data input. Subroutines 35 initiating.
He remembered dimly a time when he had been like those that moved about him. When he did not spend most of his functioning time processing large amounts of code and archiving relevant information for future uplinks. When he didn’t slowly shift through his own basic programming and stripped or compressed it to make room for more information. Stripping himself of everything that had once been Red Alert because Teletraan and not Red Alert was needed.
/Video Feedback Inquiry of Polyhelix battle 54-R-Metracial/
That battle memory should have hurt him for some reason, even as he brought the video feed up that a dim part of him that was still Red Alert knew was a personal video feed from his own optical array of the battle. Stripped of the emotional overtone and personal interpretations of it all, as a mech that was once him but was no longer truly functioning to be that mech watched from behind a wall of a blast proof fabrication of a clear substance. As the large room in the center of the Science Academy Biological Science Branch was breached by a Decepticon siege and the small strike force that had been deployed to evacuate the civilian population of the facility were brutally ripped apart. The small battalion having been made up of upgraded search and rescue class tribes that had about two vorns of battle experience mixed between the group of twenty. The sudden appearance of the technopath Soundwave and his small army of symbiotic drones, the initial sequence as the remaining survivors formulated one last attempt to keep the last server with the back up memory of Teletraan out of the hands of Soundwave. Cables and pings on several channels for him to drop all of his firewalls and accept his slow deactivation.
Video feed aborted, classification rank insufficient for full log of inquiry.
He had stared for a long moment at a mech that had fallen to protect him until the unit lead by a mech name Springer could arrive to turn the battle odds and extract him and what was slowly weaving and changing his very processors. The emotional connotations of that action had been deleted three thousand years ago when he had still be only working with one memory core, instead of the four that now took up most of his energy when they had taken his weapons and weapon software out to make room. An internal touch and his search routines were quietly following a bright line from the video feed to a text file with the normal parameters and information of every autobot deactivated or otherwise that had joined in the past four million years.
Inferno, civilian search and rescue tribe model of the Kaon quadrant with experience and software upgrades for interstellar travel and exploration. Surveyor assistant with the weaponry and basic knowledge to protect any exploration team upon unknown worlds. Joined the Autobots forty thousand planetary rotations ago, deactivated in battle twelve thousand planetary rotations ago. The dry and impersonal data burst gave name to facial structure and thus assuaged most of the curiosity and internal inquiry about the forty astroseconds piece of video that had focused upon the graying husk of the mech. The small part that still was aware gave a soft sound of distress at this, even as the majority of his processors deemed the small clip unnecessary and thus was permanently deleted to free up more memory for the influx of data that those around him kept feeding into him.
/Status report of memory and physical scans./
Acknowledged and scanning…Memory cores 1-3 at 98% capacity, memory core 4 at 60% capacity, internal memory and basic coding stripped to 25% efficiency. Prognosis: Installation of new memory core and deletion of hardware processing section 2034.
/Acknowledged and algorithms in effect in approving suggestion…I’m sorry Red Alert./
A soft thrum in his chassis seemed to acknowledge that last part of the transmission from one of the few remaining engineers or scientists that remained alive and functional amidst the faction. The designation and frame schematics only a brief touch away if he had wished to follow the glowing trail from that communication link frequency. However, the tactical unit had just fed a large if/then scenario and the corresponding codes and equations for the loss/gain line and thus was deemed a higher priority then that of figuring out the mech that for some reason was seeking forgiveness from Red Alert.
Red Alert was too far within his spark to acknowledge the plea, as Teletraan computed the data and archived it.