My 'Interviews' with Various

Aug 24, 2007 17:57

* will be updated with each set of questions asked so I can keep them all in one place**

For: the_iscariot

1. Completely hypothetical: Would you have married me in school, and if you had, I wouldn't have been allowed to play with Lucius and Avery huh?

If you'd ever looked even sideways at me, possibly. If we had gotten married you and Lucius would have had supervised playdates while Cissy and I had tea and you both would have been the better for it. Avery however was always a nasty little boy and there'd be no playing with him!

2. You know with all our talks, I don't think I've ever asked you. What's your favorite movie?

You're going to mock me, possibly for the rest of my life. The Princess Bride. I can't help it every time I see it I wind up giggling like a fool and saying 'Inconceivable!' a lot.

3. Why me?

That's a rather double-edged question. So in typical Slytherin fashion I'll answer both sides.

Why me? You're stuck with me because of truly bad karma on your part. It was either me or come back as a dung beetle.

Why me? How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... I love your voice - rich and smoky like good firewhiskey. I love the way you pull me into your lap - without the slightest provocation. I love your hands - they're a bit of an obsession of mine I confess. I love your humor - even when I'm on the edge of my seat and I know the other shoe is about to drop, you constantly amuse me. I love - actually, I think that sums it up quite succinctly. I love.

4. Island or Mountain retreat?

Oh, I think island. There's something about miles of beach and ocean stretched out. A hammock big enough for two and a soft breeze.

5. You know, I don't think we've ever been on one proper date. When should I pick you up and where shall we go?

Why Severus Snape, do I need to ask your intentions? I think I would like a picnic. Blanket under a tree, a nice bottle of elf made wine, a loaf of bread and thou. Someplace by the water, someplace at peace. If you're good I'll let you lay your head in my lap and read me the best bits of the 'Severus Snape: Saint of Scoundrel'. I may even peel you a grape...but I wouldn't count on it.

For: thelifeandlies

1. What is your favorite color?

Slytherin green. Even as a girl I loved green.

2. What is your favorite sweet?

I try not to eat so many sweets but when I feel like really indulging it's dark chocolate truffles. The kind that are so rich and sweet and a little bitter they make the hair on your arms stand up.

3. What was it like to raise such a firecracker as Nymphadora? (Why yes, I am calling her Nymphadora. So, hah!)

Thank you! I will never understand why she's so opposed to her name! Silly girl! Raising Nymphadora was an exercise in patience. Don't get me wrong, she was always the most loving, sweet child but she was also eager. Eager and clumsy. There was a period of time right before she got her first Hogwarts letter when every single piece of China I owned was in pieces because Nymphadora kept running to the door to intercept any mail and kept slamming into my china cabinet on her way.

4. Going into a new war, what's your first thought?

I honestly hoped not to live to see another war. And I wanted nothing more than for my Teddy to not have to live though it either.

5. Will you please hit Severus upside the head (affectionately, but sternly) and tell him he's being a complete idiot?

Depending on what he's being an idiot about - most definitely. Minding that man is a full-time job!

For: frank_auror

1. What's your favourite ice cream (and favourite thing to do with it?)

Coffee ice cream is my favorite. If I'm feeling especially indulgent I get coffee toffee ice cream. My favorite thing to do with ice cream... hmm...I really like to spread it all over a nice...chocolate chip cookie and make my own ice cream sandwiches! What on earth were you expecting me to say?

2. What were your first impressions of me at school and do you still feel like that now?

Honestly I think my first impression was 'He has the most beautiful eyes' and followed by 'And he's funny too!' I think aside from my cousin you were possibly the first Gryffindor I ever considered my friend.

Yes, I still think you have beautiful eyes, you're still funny and I still consider you my friend.

3. What's been your favourite memory of us?

I think it was when I'd just had a spectacular row with my boyfriend and was nursing a bit of a broken heart. It was a Hogsmeade weekend and you stayed behind and let me cry on your shoulder. I remember being so grateful and then later we got a little bit lit and and you helped me hex all of his clothes so that they'd shrink a 1/2 size a day.

4. If you could do one thing again from your life, what would in be?

I think I'm going to exercise an American right - the right not to incriminate myself.

5. What's it really like being a Grandparent?

You're going to love it. Especially since you and Alice missed out on so much with Neville. With Teddy it's been lovely. There's a special connection between a grandparent and their grandchild. Just wait... and encourage Neville and Luna.

For: changing_teddy

1. Did you ever, for one moment, wish that I hadn't ended up being your responsibility and that without me around you life could have been so much different than it is?

Of course I wish you hadn't had to come live with me Teddy. I would have rather you been able to be raised by your parents. I wanted that for you more than anything in the world.

But barring that, no. No I never regret having you with me. You gave me joy and hope when I thought I would never feel either of those things again. Kissing you good morning was the very happiest part of my day. It still is.

2. What is the one thing, apart from the length of my hair, that you would change about me?

the hair I would have given you an easier life.

3. What is your biggest regret?

I do not think I have always been as cautious as I should have been.

4. There are always times in our lives that we disappoint the people we love, what have I disappointed you the most?

When you think so little of yourself. It actually makes me ache to see you doubt how loveable and generous and wonderful you are.

5. If there is one lesson you have taught me that you would want me to remember until the day I die, what would it be?

That you are loved. Deeply. Truly. Absolutely and unconditionally loved.

For: r_moony

1. If Dora would have been a boy, did you have a name in mind already?

You know, it just never occurred to me that my baby could be a boy. I always felt like I would have a girl. Ted liked 'Alexander' for a boy. But once he held Nymphadora in his arms and she cooed at him he forgot all about having a son.

2. If you could relive one day of your life, what day would it be?

There are so many of them to choose from! I think perhaps Mother's Day when Nymphadora was five years old. I came down to breakfast to find the kitchen in such a state! There was flour on every horizontal surface, pancake batter *dripping* from the ceiling and blueberries in her hair. Ted and I laughed so hard we couldn't stand up.

3. What kind of chocolate do you like best?

The darker the better. A lovely dark chocolate truffle with a dusting of cocoa powder? Sublime.

4. What's your favourite part of being a mother?

All of it. Every laugh, every tear, every minute. My daughter's whole life. It sounds cliche but it's true.

5. How long did it take you and Ted to be all right with Dora's choice to marry me What's the best present a person could give you?

Let's get something perfectly clear Remus Lupin - Ted and I never objected to YOU. YOU we loved. YOU I still love. What is hard for a parent, and I suspect you've found this with Teddy, is that you want your child's life to be EASY. Yes, it's unreasonable but it's the gut reaction of every parent when it comes to the happiness of their child. I knew that for Nymphadora life would not be easy as your wife because of other people's stupid prejudices.

What really brought me to my senses is that I heard almost those exact same arguments when I was about to marry Ted. And I realized that there wasn't a single thing I would change about my life with my husband and it was stupid of me to try and stand in the way of Nymphadora's joy.

I've already been given the best presents in the world. A daughter, a grandson and a son-in-law who loves and treats my daughter with the love and care she deserves.

Of course, I'm also partial to opals.

From: drooblesnowords

1. So, how many times have you kissed my husband? *laughs*

*chuckles* I think the grand total is at five. All before he managed to work up the nerve to ask you out.

2. I know you love your sister, but do you at all condone what she's done? Is there a way she could ever come back to you at this point?

Oh Alice...of course I can't condone anything Bellatrix has done. The days after her attack on you and all through her trial I felt sick. I still feel sick when I think of all the horrible things she has done, the lives she's taken.

I know it's not right to speak like this about her to you, forgive me but you did ask... Bella is broken. She walks, she talks but she's not truly alive. There have been moments, just fleeting little glimpses of her true self, the girl we used to call 'Bella the Brave' our protector, our sister. But then she's gone again.

I wish things could be different. I wish my sister could be whole. I wish I could undo what she's done. I wish for stupid things that can't ever be.

Bella the Brave and Bellatrix - it's like watching the person you love being held hostage by someone you hate.

3. What is your darkest fear?

To outlive the people I love...again. I was not meant to outlive Ted or Nymphadora. It's not in my nature. I fear greatly that something will happen to Dora again or to Teddy and that I will wake up alive, but in hell yet again.

4. If you could trade one person who's died for one person who's lived... who would you choose, and why? (and try not to use yourself in the answer, please. I know it's the noble thing to say, but I want a real answer)

I - honestly I have no answer for that question. Before - after the first war I would have traded my life for my daughter's. Before you cry nobility let me assure you that's not the case. It's cowardice. It's fear and it's anguish. I would have rather been dead and buried than wake up each morning to a world that kept moving in spite of the fact it took my child from me. Death is easy. Living is agony.

5. Is the grandchild thing really as amazing as it seems? I'm terrified. I didn't raise Neville, so I don't know how children even behave, on a day to day basis...

You're going to love being a Grandmother. You don't have to know ANYTHING except how to love unconditionally and say things like 'Ask your mother' and 'Ice cream?' Of course things with Teddy were a bit different but in the end grandchildren are JOY. And you and Frank will be able to leave the BIG worries to Neville and Luna.


1. When you were in St. Mungo's with Lucius..did you feel for him? Was he alright on his own stuck in there?

2. How are you and Tonks getting along these days? I've heard the Order is reforming nicely

3. What's it like being a widow? It must be hard now that Ted has gone

4. Do you love any other men? What turns you on? Evil or good?

5. If you woke up in my bed, what would you say, do?


1. I always feel for Lucius. He has been my brother for many many years. I *ache* for him. He seemed- composed while he was in the hospital. But not himself.

2. My daughter and I are quite well. You do know that Remus is back, and rather *protective* of his wife. And you seem so satisfied with Grace... best let Tonks alone.

3. I miss my husband every day since he died. We were supposed to grow old together.

4. I've loved quite a few men and even a few women in my life. I could tell you what turns me on, but I wouldn't want to incur the wrath of your charming girlfriend.

5. If I woke up in your bed Barty i would most likely untie you and then cook us breakfast.

From: sayshisname

1. You have the ability to change one event in your life, and one event only, what would it be?

I would change the day my daughter died. I would have Nymphadora and Remus live and raise their son. I would have died in their place. Teddy deserved to be raised by his parents and no mother should have to outlive her child.

2. How do you know when it's love instead of lust?

I think lust is a greedy emotion. You want, you burn, you desire. Love is different. Love inspires generosity, you give, you sacrifice... I know that I am in love when my thoughts are more about someone else than they are about myself.

3. If the war ended tomorrow how would you celebrate?

Probably with a good long cry

4. What is the cruelest most unforgivable thing a person can do to another?

Deny them hope. Crush their spirits. I have seen it done and it is an abomination.

5. You can have one secret desire fulfilled what will it be?

To have my whole family with me.

From: bigbadpadfoot

1. You've just been told you've been selected for the cover of the skin mag of your choice. What do you wear...until you take it all off?

You know, I don't think you're the first person to ask me this! There was this charming American.. Hugh something or other....

Anyway, I think i would just wear a man's dress shirt.

2. Do you prefer darks or pastels?

I'm not much for pastels. I like rich, dark colors best.

3. What about artwork? Do you like paintings that have realism evident in them, or would you rather stare at something abstract that makes you think?

I like a bit of everything in art. Picasso is possibly my favorite - but over all my favorite movement has to be Impressionism.

4. If you could spend a day anywhere away from here, where would you go, and who would you take with you?

I would take my family and spend a day in Venice. It's been my favorite place in the world since I was very young. I think it's my spiritual home.

5. If you could only eat one full course meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Macaroni and cheese, a nice garden salad, a glass of white wine and chocolate cake.


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