Title: Forget Cars
Pairing: Hugh/Jen
Rating: NC-17
#96.(Writers choice) Word Count: 1724
Summary: Jennifer needs a ride home, Hugh is there to supply that.
Disclaimer: Not mine. So stop rubbing it in.
unaloveshugh Told you I'd write you out another RPF...eventually
I tried to keep this PG-13 but the smut bunny made me do it....
Fic )
Comments 18
Again, I was struck with strong images (and feelings, too!) with your descriptions.. for example, Your heart skips a beat when you see his brilliant azure eyes soften at your expression waiting there patiently for you to take action. It was as if MY heart skipped that beat. mmm odd! but good weird! lol!
O.O My goodness! That smutbunny of yours, feed her (him?) well, will you? Good breed, good stories! LOL!
And his name is....actually I dont know what his name is, but I feed him a steady diet of smuff and smut. It does a body VERY good =D
And thank you!
You'd better think of name, he deserves a name for giving such great stories.. :)
Addicted to my writing...I dont know what to say, I feel completely honored in every sense, thank you VERY much =D
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