Title: Twilight
soukoji &
jibunnohanaRating: R
Summary: Halfling, tainted, unworthy - words the angel Sakito ignored living among the heavenly creatures he so adored and aspired to be. But naivite has its limits, and Sakito's fateful meeting with an ancient incubus proved to him that that there's more to goodness than pure white wings.
Notes: Oooh, nearing the end! Another short chapter, but it's the height of the story. ;)
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Many hours later, Sakito woke unexpectedly from a dream in which he was surrounded by black feathers falling from the clouds. Something felt wrong, out of place, though he couldn’t put a finger on what it was. Next to him, Niya was fast asleep with an arm flung protectively over the angel’s waist, but, while the image made him smile, it didn’t stop the uncomfortable constriction in his chest.
Exhausted from their night together, he slid out from under the blankets and pulled on his clothes before kneeling beside the demon to kiss him on the cheek. “Niya…I’m going to go home for a while. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. See you soon.”
The demon only grunted, the angel’s words half heard in his deep slumber. His body shifted into the warm, empty spot Sakito had left, drawn even in his sleep to the scent of the angel.
* * *
Sakito slept the rest of the day, and far into the next night before he finally woke, tired of being plagued by nightmares. Disoriented, he stared at the ceiling above his bed in the wee hours of the morning with a fleeting wish that he was still at Niya’s house. But the angel needed some time alone to work out what he could feasibly do to protect himself and the demon from his commanding officers and their sinister plan. Of that, he sadly had no idea. His eyelids and feet felt like lead as he hauled himself upright, and Sakito smiled faintly, wondering if there was a way around this annoying side-effect of Niya’s. Maybe he would get used to it.
The sun wasn’t even close to rising yet, though the world outside had an ephemeral grayish cast hinting at the coming dawn. Sakito stretched and rubbed his eyes, trying to banish the sleep and lingering memories of the dreams he had. He supposed it was paranoia sending him such strange visions while he slept, from the stress of the past few days and confusion over sleeping with Niya. Still, he gazed at himself with a deep frown in the bathroom mirror, trying to place what looked different. Maddeningly, nothing was different on the outside, but that wasn’t much reassurance. Black feathers falling flickered past his conscious mind, filling Sakito with a heavy dread he had never experience before. The angel had heard of wings turning black, but it always seemed like a faraway myth meant to scare young children into the exemplary behavior befitting their kind. No one had fallen that far in recent history. He had to be sure - Sakito wouldn’t be able to breathe again until he knew he wasn’t tainted. Surely, not….
Tiny wings emerged from the angel’s back as he stared intently in at his reflection, soft and downy and black as a raven’s.