Day 01 - Fish Out Of Water

Apr 11, 2011 00:24

Characters: AU!Roxas, AU!Xion and YOU(Yes, you)!
When: Early to Mid-morning
Where: Starting in what's now an abandoned subway station
Rating: G to PG-ish? No swearing, but mild horror undertones.
Summary: Guess what Nesreca people. You've got some fresh meat.

And now for a change of scenery )

xion [au], *incomplete, allen walker [ou], kanda yu [ou], *open, roxas [au]

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notquiteanobody April 13 2011, 09:57:29 UTC
The more he stood there looking at the package, the more the notion that standing there and staring at it wouldn't yield any answers sank in. So while neither of them seemed to have much an initial idea what to make of it, it only made sense to him that if it was indeed addressed to them, it was meant to be open. It was simple enough logic ( ... )


Re: It happens, man. ...Ffff. More often than not. notquiteanobody April 18 2011, 06:14:17 UTC
For a few moments, he just laid there, body propped up at an awkward angle as he just waited for the sharp pain to die down to a dull throbbing. It was easy enough to tell that he was still breathing and the look on his face clearly did not reflect that the impact had knocked him out. But at the same time, it clearly really, really hurt ( ... )


seasaltblues April 18 2011, 06:53:54 UTC
Despite the way he tried glance off her worrying too much with his words, that crack was pretty distinct, Roxas. And the way he breathed only further encouraged her to finally draw her hand to rest on his shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze as she let her head hang slightly. Exasperated. Her feelings inside her coiling with a sickness that was easily making her somewhat nauseous from how distressed she was from the situation at hand.

When he finally took to recover back to his feet, Xion followed along with him. Her hand removed from his shoulder, she instead extended her arm to come about his torso, clamping down on the adjacent shoulder instead until he found purchase up against the train car itself. She leaned with him there, slipping her arm out from behind him then but sticking close as she quickly caught on to the peculiar attention he was giving to his own hand and wincing at the sight.

Blood. Not darkness but blood. Xion felt a shudder trail down her spine at the very proof itself. That he still remained in Lucen's body... ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 19 2011, 01:13:08 UTC
Frankly? This was modestly annoying, if he'd just spoken up instead of trying to protect her, this wouldn't have happened. But really, he was wondering what he'd been trying to protect her from. Just like a combination of both her and Axel's efforts couldn't protect him from their reality back then, his efforts to try and play along with her own notions about the situation they were in couldn't protect her from their reality now ( ... )


seasaltblues April 20 2011, 02:06:24 UTC
Don't apologize, he said. But with how she had just acted- So focused was she on the matter that was now at the forefront, that of which had been proven further true by his bleeding fingers, Xion hadn't really thought of what had been on Roxas' own mind. Had just been so caught up trying to get back, fighting a losing battle of a belief that there even was one. And now her reckless behavior had prompted this to happen and with her spells flimsy as they were, what help she could give him was limited ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 21 2011, 11:09:49 UTC
It was a strange mood-breaker as the way she seemed to droop into what wasn't exactly his embrace at the moment. Were the situation different, if things weren't quite as serious, if they didn't seem so grim or maybe even if he felt like it would help their collective mood, he would consider trying to hug her. But while some part of him wanted to reach out and literally seize the closeness he'd been looking for, something he couldn't quite place just took away his drive to do so ( ... )


seasaltblues April 21 2011, 16:53:50 UTC
A lot of things would have been nice then, but preference was the last thing on Xion's mind at the moment. Although she couldn't ignore the thirst now that Roxas had mentioned it. Eating probably wasn't something smart to do with her stomach twisted in knots as it was, but to at least quench her parched throat. It was still a little weird to her to consume as frequently as they did now, but it was something she had become accustom to as months went by. Nodding carefully, she finally took a step back, raising her head. Her hand still linked over his for now. Whether it was because she wasn't quite ready to look that reality in the face once more or the matter that she was still worried over his bleeding she wouldn't say. Most likely a bit of both. But she was holding onto him at least for a little longer, regardless ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 22 2011, 10:32:50 UTC
Wordlessly as he let his own train of thoughts wander, he seemed to content himself to letting Xion lead their way out of the abandoned subway station, nonchalantly grabbing the handle of his guitar case as they passed where he'd left it. Thinking about it, the way the matter of her getting the point he'd wanted to make himself through his own injuries was something that Challo would've called 'passive-aggressive' and that was normally a term she didn't tend to use in good context. At least for now, it was a lesson to bear in mind and just hope that in the future, he'll be able to make a stand and at least get his own thoughts and feelings out ( ... )


seasaltblues April 23 2011, 08:02:22 UTC
She considering carrying the guitar case for a moment when Roxas took to picking it up himself only to reconsider shortly afterward. She was worrying too much about him. A worry that he might feel a little alien to yet even if he was slowly regaining his memories. And even though they had been through a fair bit back at Haven. She didn't want to smother him. Which might have been the only reason in the end that as they came to a stop, the first thing she did was finally relieve the pressure she had put on his hand and see if she had quelled the bleeding.

Seeing as it had eased, she left up the rest of her hold. But that didn't stop her from looking around, trying to find some place near by that might hint towards what she was looking for. A little more focused on that than the conversation at hand, it took her a second to really hear what he had just asked and another couple to actually process it. But finally, a dumb blink and then a nod. "-Yeah. ...Yeah, I know. ...We probably won't be able to, but..." ...She finally glanced at the ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 24 2011, 21:25:16 UTC
Some part of him admittedly felt a little disappointed when she let go, but thinking about it practically -it just probably wasn't the best of ideas to go around hand-in-hand with the two of them in such a strange new place. Plus no small amount of the obstacles presented to them seemed to require both hands to climb over properly. So he didn't make any comment, just spared a glance to the hand she'd been tending to and feeling modestly content that the bleeding had eased up. His other hand hadn't been injured nearly as badly, so while it stung, he didn't think it was too important to have it tended to ( ... )


seasaltblues April 25 2011, 00:40:34 UTC
If he was that insistent on keeping lead, she'd let it be. But all the same, she scuttled close to him at least. While their hands were no longer joined, she was still within arm's reach just behind him. So, if anything happened, she was right behind him. Literally. This time, she would keep better tabs on him. Alert, she saw the glass before the warning had even left his mouth. Keeping her steps careful and measured, she managed to cross through the door after him with little trouble though bar she was a few paces behind than she had initially planned ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 25 2011, 23:38:09 UTC
It felt awkward between them -after making as much progress as they had back in Haven, whatever circumstance had led them to this place also seemed to have set back any particular comfort they'd established by no small amount. But then, with the memories he did have, Xion didn't seem like an overtly talkative or open person. What he could recall always had her being quiet and as she was now, always thinking of something. Not like their sudden uproot didn't give them enough to think about, just the silence between them wasn't giving him much of a distraction from his own worries and concerns ( ... )


seasaltblues April 26 2011, 06:40:15 UTC
Awkward was one way to put it. Distant. Uncertain. Uneasy. Vexed. Torn. Second-guessing. All those and more. But all the same, she wouldn't abandon him. And her determination to mind that had only grown ten fold. It was just... that at the moment, her focus was so divided, too. Between the stress of the new situation, what it meant, it was... It was stretching her pretty thin. Not that she would outright admit it to him. Instead, she'd channel it. The door was one of those- an obstacle she could focus on removing, something she could do right. Or so had been part of her thought process among her worries in his regard ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 27 2011, 10:35:21 UTC
It would've taken some significant lapse in his observations for him to have missed Xion having difficulties with her magic, but that combined with perhaps a livelier imagination than he needed was what put the idea he had in his head. Setting the guitar case off to the side, he approaches the door and gives it a careful inspection. With any due fortune, if his idea ended up working and not blowing them both to kingdom come, whatever was blocking the door on the other side also wouldn't spill out and bury them ( ... )


seasaltblues April 28 2011, 19:41:36 UTC
That suggestion... For a moment, all she could do was stare at him. Just letting it click that he had actually offered it in the first place. And then she stirred. Her footing shifting from one to the other. Finally pausing in her motions, Xion took to just staring at the floor. Just how much of a good idea would that be? What if it set off the same inevitable path from before where one or the other would have to be destroyed? It had been a fear slowly quelled over her time in Haven- It wasn't like it was something that seemed to be on the replay after spending months there with no sign of imbalance on either end -but it wasn't something someone could just easily forget and wave off ( ... )


notquiteanobody April 28 2011, 20:26:54 UTC
Roxas waits for a moment, studying her expression he found himself modestly surprised that she agreed. Not that he had any intention of backing down, but it was almost welcome to have her accept his notion so easily. That acceptance was something he just responds to at first with just a tempered smile -his determination mixed with the ideas of vigilance that he'd learned from her ( ... )


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