something wicked this way comes.

Mar 12, 2011 18:01

Characters: Rhode Kamelot's Evil Twin & YOU.
When: The week of March 12th.
Where: Inside your little minds. ♥
Rating: R. Rhode does not play nice normally. She is definitely not playing nice now.
Summary: Rhode's evil doppleganger is causing havoc within the minds of the people of Nesreca. No one is safe -- not her family, not her friends, and ( Read more... )

tyki mikk [ou], *incomplete, *event: evil twins, rhode kamelot [ou], allen walker [ou], kanda yu [ou], *open

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Comments 126

promisedlotus March 13 2011, 06:57:41 UTC
Kanda wasn't too happy or comfortable with leaving Alma behind, but if te Noah have lost it, then he needed to step up and take care of the problem. So far Allen's proved that he can't. Fucking useless bean sprout. If there was a job that needed to be done, of course it had to be done yourself.

Rhode was a Noah. He was an Exorcist. The math was simple.

He wasn't doing it just because he was an Exorcist. He was doing it to protect Alma.

And he went on out the window with the resolve to return to him unharmed.


stealsdreams March 13 2011, 07:01:17 UTC
This entire place made her sick.

It was disgusting, how many humans were allowed to wander free and clear, without fear of death or punishment. They all needed to die. Everyone in the village who allowed them to live, everyone in the village who refused to do what needed to be done.

So she waited, with an unusual amount of patience.

But what Kanda did not know was that the moment he stepped outside, he was within her world. Kanda Yuu's body was left at the door, unconscious and lifeless... while he continued towards her.

"Kanda. ♥"


promisedlotus March 13 2011, 07:08:26 UTC
The change was something he noticed immediately. He had to be careful from here on out. A hand went to Mugen, unsheathing the blade. Kanda watched Rhode carefully, waiting for any sudden movements.



stealsdreams March 13 2011, 07:16:08 UTC
"What do you want to talk about in our time together?" Rhode asked lightly, tip-toeing closer to Kanda, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. "We could talk about your... future. Your past. Your present~. ♥"


crossedtease March 13 2011, 19:11:52 UTC
The moment he met the evil Rhode, Tyki's been alarmed and he set out looking for his own Rhode. His niece. Not this doppelganger who shared the same face as her.

Tyki is already looking around town to look for Rhode, not knowing what to expect with her twin out and about.


This is so horrible. stealsdreams March 13 2011, 19:59:31 UTC
How interesting.

Rhode is sitting in a windowsill of an abandoned building, watching Tyki wandering about searching for his precious niece. They were all weak and pathetic. What good were attachments when they only slowed you down?

It may be a familiar sensation; it may not.

But with a quick moment of manipulation, Tyki Mikk is within her world.


Haha, it is. Tyki's forever going to be wary around her now crossedtease March 13 2011, 20:02:42 UTC
He freezes when he realized that he's no longer in Nesreca. No, he still was. This world feels familiar.

It's Rhode's world, but Tyki knows that it belongs to that other Rhode. His niece wouldn't do something like this to him. Ever.

Tyki's eyes narrows. "My. It's a bit early to play games, isn't it?"


Sob, Tyki. ;_____; Rhode might have to save him from this one. She's livid. stealsdreams March 13 2011, 20:06:01 UTC
Rhode strolls closer and, abruptly, the world becomes pitch black, blocking her from view. She is still there, of course -- a Noah can't completely hide from a member of the Family, after all.

"But I want to play a game. You played a game with the other me~ ♥ so why can't I?"

Then, in a much darker tone:

"Are you afraid, Tyki?"


/PLACEHOLDER...ISH. tothelastbreath March 14 2011, 06:05:37 UTC
Allen doesn't know when he fell asleep, but in between dealing with everyone ever and their doppelgängers, he must've returned to his room at some point for a quick regroup, only to end up nodding off from sheer exhaustion. Have fun messing with him.


WOO. Did you want Rhode to get him out of this or do you want Allen to get out of it on his own? stealsdreams March 14 2011, 06:24:46 UTC
And, just like that, Allen Walker's mind is hers.

Allen wakes up to find himself within the Jordan compound, where Allen and Rhode spent their time trapped within Kanda Yuu's mind. However, the building is completely and utterly empty...

Save for a dismembered Kanda Yuu and Alma Karma the akuma lying on the ground, bloodied, broken, and bleeding.


/finally gets to this :X tothelastbreath March 15 2011, 09:06:18 UTC
For a moment, Allen's dream self simply stares at his surroundings, disoriented. He doesn't recognise the compound, he's never been there (yet), so his first thought is that he'd somehow gotten himself spectacularly lost.

And then he smells the blood.

It's almost worse than actually seeing the carnage, that frightening uncertainty of not knowing who he'll see this time, but then he does turn, slowly, fighting the pull. Sees Kanda's lifeless features, makes out those akuma markings on Alma's body, and quite suddenly, he feels like he could've done with never knowing.

"...Kanda? Alma!"

He drops to a knee beside them, not caring that blood is seeping into his trousers.

[[OOC: Preferably the latter, but if it gets to a point where you think real!Rhode wouldn't stand by and watch, go ahead and toss her in! |D]]


<333~ stealsdreams March 15 2011, 13:57:43 UTC
Blood is everywhere -- the entire compound reeks of it -- whatever battle had happened there obviously took its toll on their surrounding population.

They don't move, at the call -- but the moment Allen drops down next to them, a brittle hand rockets forward, grabbing onto Allen's leg, as tightly as can be.

Alma draws in a rattling breath.

"Save me."

ooc: No worries! Rhode is completely focused on keeping Tyki's head clear, so it's totally understandable that she'd... uh, forget other people live here too, sob. FIGHT ALLEN WIN WIN WIN.


ensnarled March 14 2011, 19:29:25 UTC
Riku didn't even have a choice of going to sleep - not that he really knew sleeping was a bad idea with Rhode around - seeing as he's currently unconscious and locked in a closet.

But either way, his mind drifted off, providing Rhode with the ample opportunity to seize it and the memories and dreams within it.

And oh... there are more than a few tasty things to torture him with in there.


stealsdreams March 14 2011, 22:25:23 UTC
Suddenly: darkness.

Riku is suspending in darkness. There is no up, down, left, or right -- there is only inky blackness, with the heavy weight of darkness resting upon his chest, like an anvil ready to crack his ribcage at any given moment.

But then, suddenly: the tiniest glimmer of light, in the farthest corner of wherever Riku is.

Go to it, if you like.


ensnarled March 17 2011, 18:52:08 UTC
He freezes.

The Darkness is familiar, he's been trapped in it before, has been engulfing himself in it ever since, but that doesn't mean its welcomed. He's made his peace with it, sure, but this... this is different. This is more intense. Heavier.

He can't move, can't see, can't do anything than just stay still and be, and it reminds him too much of the Door. Of what happened beyond it.

But finally, after what seems like a millennium to his panicking mind, he catches a glimpse of light. Slowly, but surely, he's using every ounce of his strength, his power, to keep moving towards it.

He won't fail here. He can't.


SOB real life ate me. stealsdreams March 20 2011, 18:59:08 UTC
The closer Riku got to the light, the further it seemed to get. Every single step seemed like an eternity -- reaching the light, after a certain amount of time, would seem impossible.

It will never be within your reach.


still open? meitori March 17 2011, 19:16:00 UTC
Yuuta had been ignoring those dreams the best he could, but some of them were, in lack of better words, fucked up shit.

So when he finished cleaning up his apartment (really, he just swept everything into one corner) and laid down with a sorry looking pillow, he prayed that there wouldn't be anymore dreams tonight. It would be nice to not dream of anything for once.


YES. Real life ate me. D8 stealsdreams March 20 2011, 19:01:17 UTC
The moment Yuuta opened his eyes, he would be within his apartment, but it was covered in blood.

Every single spot in the room, every surface, every item of clothing, was soaked through with blood.


AW IT'S OKAY <333 meitori March 20 2011, 23:57:20 UTC
At first, Yuuta would just stare at it all. Just state and rub his eyes, trying to make it go away with his will power. He knew that this was a dream. Or maybe a prank. Yes, all of this was just red paint...

But in trying to calm himself down, he just kept smelling blood to the point he could taste it on his tongue, and he wanted to puke. He could taste iron and salt and it just...!

Where did it all come from?


stealsdreams March 21 2011, 18:13:57 UTC
There is no body -- at least, not one that Yuuta can see automatically. But there are sounds coming from the hallway, from the closets, from outside -- perhaps he should investigate?

But be careful -- the more he moves, the more hysterical the sounds become -- and the heavier the blood seems.


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