Credinta raid

Sep 16, 2010 18:02

Characters: Mitsunari Ishida, Sora, Sagan Yōuji, Uzumaki Naruto, Link
When: Evening of Sept 16
Where: Starting by the river over into Credinta
Rating: T
Summary: Raiding Credinta, again.

Waiting for everyone to gather for the raid )

mitsunari ishida [ou], sagan youji [ou], *incomplete, link [ou], *open, sora [ou], uzumaki naruto [ou]

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mitsunariishida September 18 2010, 03:46:09 UTC
Mitsunari started to relax with Youji's reassessment of Link.

Without worrying about irrational killing and the deeper but not less scary thought that boy might be right to so murderous, he pull himself off that razerwire share edge of 'need-to-act-now'.

The creature (was it one of them?) seemed to be harmless and Youji seemed like he was going to act it. So Mitsunari folded up his tessen and let himself relax a bit.

If they was going to turn into a fish/tree person he was and there was nothing that could be done about it right now.

If they weren't then it just might be a new 'guest' of the apartment that he hadn't met yet. A spirit, like the bakeneko.

He sighed, well there was nothing else to do really. He looked into the creatures deep sorrowful eye and them only making him feel guiltier as he asked "Do we know you?"


zer0feeling September 18 2010, 03:51:01 UTC
Youji laughed at the bubble, venturing out from behind Mitsunari and closer to the creature, hoping it would make more of them. "Why were you a fish thing when you could be this thing? This is much cuter," he said with a decisive nod."


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mitsunariishida September 18 2010, 04:06:38 UTC
Mitsunari looked at Youji for a long moment after he asked his question.

Youji should not be treated as a good source of information. Ever. Like trusting Kunoichi.

....If the creature could change at will, he couldn't imagine a reason why it would want /not/ to be a fish in this weather. Well he could but he wouldn't choose to be a plant thing over it.

At the shrug Mitsunari sighed, it didn't seem to recognize them. It was more likely that this wasn't a new game for herself.

"Are you alright?"


/eeeklatelatelate>w< crowned_sky September 18 2010, 05:16:42 UTC
Sora came running down to them, skidding to a halt and doubling over with his hands on his knees, taking a moment to catch his breath before straightening slowly and grinning at them, "Sorry I'm late." He'd been daydreaming again and lost track of time.

He shifted, folding his hands behind his head and glancing around at them. His eyes went wide when he spotted the strange creature, running over and dropping to his knees, "Whoa! What's this?"


zer0feeling September 18 2010, 18:13:54 UTC
"It's a tree thing that blows bubbles," Youji supplied, as though it were obvious, "And before that it was a gross fish thing. This is much cuter than a fish thing, don't you think?"


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mitsunariishida September 18 2010, 20:02:01 UTC
So the creature claimed to be alright.

Well then it probably wasn't another game, a new arrival maybe? Or an older one that had the sense to avoid the apartment perhaps?

At Sora's abrupt entrance Mitsunari straightened his stance; there was just a bit too much energy in the room, and he had not desire to be pulled over. All in all he was fairly relaxed given that the situation seemed ready to dissolve into chaos at any minute. As it did.

He tried not to think about how Link's departure worked to hard, given that he knew that it had to be pure magic.

He sighed "I think it was a new arrival."

A long look to the farther bank knowing that his plan probably was shot.

"We should probably rescue it.

"And Sora don't worry you weren't really late."


crowned_sky September 18 2010, 23:50:54 UTC
Sora took the bubble in the face, falling onto his back, too startled to move at first, rubbing at his face and sitting up quickly, gasping. "Ah! Hey! I didn't mean to scare you!"

He jumped to his feet, folding his hands behind his head and glancing at Youji, "You said it used to be a fish thing...? Huh." It was sort of like his clothes, changing from world to world. "So, it can change back then?"

He watched again, stunned as the creature took off into the sky and out of sight. He shifted, dropping his hands back to his sides, grinning at Mitsunari, "A rescue mission and a raid?"


zer0feeling September 19 2010, 17:01:44 UTC
Youji took a few steps after it, but stopped at the river bank. He wasn't supposed to play in rivers. It didn't look so dangerous, but Nagisa-sensei said so, and even here he was uncertain about disobeying.

"Come back," he said with a pout, tail twitching and ears pressing low against his head. He looked back when Sora addressed him, twisting a face. "But it's ugly when it's a fish thing."


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crowned_sky September 20 2010, 04:24:15 UTC
Sora scratched his head, "Ugly?" He hadn't seen it so he couldn't really judge but for some reason he kept picturing the half-fish people from Atlantica.

He walked over to the edge of the river, squatting down and squinting through the rain, "There's something coming." He got to his feet quickly, jumping back and holding out his hand, ready to summon his Keyblade.


mitsunariishida September 20 2010, 19:17:39 UTC
Mitsunari looked over at Sora, he couldn't see a thing but it very possible that his vision wasn't as good as the boy. Or Sora might be having a case battle nerves.

"It might be the creature, able to return on it's own." Or it might not, he fingered his tessen thoughtfully, but seeing no reason to add fuel to the trigger-happy state of his companions. "But we should still head over towards the bridge, that will be a better place to act if we need to."


zer0feeling September 20 2010, 19:37:22 UTC
Youji peered into the water, ears pricked as high as they could go with an extremely curious look on his face. "Can't we just play with the weird thing?"


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