OOC: Christmas Presents

Dec 28, 2007 22:01

  • For Agent K, Havelock, Moiraine, Ronan, and Gavroche: A small leather journal with a rose embossed on the cover (it took two weeks of searching bookstores to find suitable journals, and she did the embossing herself with a wizardry). On the first page of each one is written You gave me the best Christmas present I could ask for -- a Christmas. Thank you, from me, the Powers, and the world. --Nita

    Ronan's also says PS: Don't knock the books until you've tried them, Irish.

    There's no power in the books themselves.

  • For Filif: A jar of soil from their backyard, with the label A souvenir from Earth. Enjoy!, and a miniature book ornament with Thanks to a friend written in the Speech inside.

  • For Puck: A white chrysanthemum with a stasis spell on it, to keep it fresh. And useful.

  • For Coyote: Faience earrings that may or may not be new. Nita's not telling -- though she will say, if asked, that Egypt's lovely this time of year.

  • For Kim Bauer: Amber earrings.

  • For Jack Bauer: A small leather journal, like the others, only lacking the rose. This one has an octogram embossed on the cover, and the front page reads: Merry Christmas! The sign on the cover is a Gnostic and Nordic symbol for creation and protection -- both of which I'm hoping for you and your world in the next year. Love, Nita.

    There's no wizardry on the book; the only power in the symbol is the kind any symbol gains after centuries of use.

  • For Duo: A bracelet inscribed "Strength." Oh, and the sparkliest scrunchy she could find. (There's also a package of plain hair elastics, since she knows she's always losing her own.)

For completeness' sake:

  • For Harry Callahan: A new pair of gardening gloves, and the latest New York Times bestseller.

  • For Dairine: A gift card to her favorite clothing store -- at the Crossings -- and a nice pair of headphones.

  • For Carmela: Several Cafe Acapella coffee bars.

  • For Kit: A subscription to Scientific American, and a gift card to the cafe with the blue food at the Crossings, with an attached note promising to go with him.

milliways continuity, ooc

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