
Apr 28, 2011 07:28

Джапан Таймз напечатали статью о ковчегах!


Мой коллега, часто печатающийся в Канаде и Европе, написал довольно приличный текст, который мы сто раз выверили, но его в редакции в последний момент изменили, и теперь на сайте висит нечто скомканное неграмотное. Но и то хорошо. На всякий случай, вывешу-ка я здесь оригинал:

There's a saying that generals are always "fighting the last war," applying tactics from previous engagements whether or not they fit the current situation.  These sage words come to mind when considering the Japanese government’s response to the medical needs of the residents Sendai region in the wake of this very unusual triple disaster.

Since March 24th I have organized a group of online friends to help lobby and facilitate the deployment of a Russian military hospital ship currently docked in port near my hometown of Vladivostok, Russia. In its initial response to our group, the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs cited concerns for visas, the need for translators, and damage to Sendai- area ports a basis for rejecting the idea.

To a casual observer, these issues might seem not seem like deal breakers. Surely, translators could, and still can, be found. And the visa issue is totally within the power of the Japanese government to resolve easily. As for the concern over the functionality of the ports; Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. has announced that its ocean cruise ship Fuji Maru will start visiting the Tohoku region. If the ports there are so dysfunctional, why doesn’t the Japanese government halt these trips as well?

By allowing these obstacles to impede the use of foreign hospital ships, the Japanese government has forgone a vital resource in helping manage the health care issues. Already some 282 people are believed to have succumbed to postdisaster-linked factors, such as cold temperatures and unsanitary conditions at evacuation sites that aggravated their chronic illnesses.

Given that Japan seems to have a recurring problem with devastating earthquakes; this unhappy episode begs a question: how can things, at least, be improved for the next time, if not this time?

Surely a short-term “disaster visa” could be made available for immediate issuance. Certain medical-related criteria could also be harmonized ahead of time so that officials in Japan or elsewhere could be reassured the medical equipment, drugs and personnel could be deployed are appropriate. Lastly, a database of available translators should be established so that they can be quickly drawn upon in the event of another Japanese catastrophe.

What is important are the lessons that will be drawn from the inevitable post-crisis review, measuring the government’s public policy and administration response to this disaster, and how they were handled.

It will also be necessary that both the Japanese people and the foreign community here (who are increasingly needed to make Japan Inc. function) be reassured that international offers of help were not, and will not be, ruled out in the future for indefensible reasons. Otherwise, the damage to Japan’s economy and international reputation will only multiply over time.

Япония, ковчег для пострадавших, я

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