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[Vid] and feel free to have him know his ppl created her canon, fourthwalling A-OK here. thehawks_eye January 23 2011, 05:10:35 UTC
...A nation? [Hi Japan! Riza's a little more willing to believe that - given her canon.]

I would say that's impossible, but after what I've seen.. [Sob. little boys turning out to be monsters ect..]


[Vid] Well see how it goes :Da nippon_ga_yo January 23 2011, 21:52:12 UTC
It is not impossible I assure you.

*RIZA HAWKEYE. Well, this is just getting interesting.* In my world, it is rather common actually.


Re: [Vid] 8D thehawks_eye January 23 2011, 21:58:37 UTC
I won't discount anything, no mater how impossble it seems. It would be rather foolish.

I am Lieutenant Hawkeye. You, from the posts above, are Japan..?


[Vid] nippon_ga_yo January 23 2011, 22:33:27 UTC
A wise choice, Hawkeye-san.

Yes, that is my name. Although I do have another name if you wish to call me something else.


Re: [Vid] thehawks_eye January 23 2011, 23:25:35 UTC
If you do not mind.


[Vid] nippon_ga_yo January 26 2011, 17:44:28 UTC
Not at all. It is Honda Kiku. Honda being the family name and Kiku is my given name.


Re: [Vid] I hope you don't mind the late tag. orz. thehawks_eye February 2 2011, 10:11:43 UTC
A pleasure to meet you, Mr Honda. [A small bow is given. Because they do that sometimes in her canon.]


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