Title: If You Turn Around You're Back At The Start @
DW or
ranuaGenre/Pairing: gen, angst, no real pairings but allusions to slash
Rating: PG (art), teen and up for language and imagery (story)
Disclaimer: Not even close to mine. No money, no malice.
Word count: 18,000ish
Warnings/Spoilers: Um, warnings for a non-Christian writing about
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Comments 11
I want to embed the images in the story if you don't mind, but I won't have time to do that til Sunday at the earliest.
I'm sorry my cursed story cursed your computer *hangs head in shame*
Nope, I don't mind at all :). If I can't get the piece I was going to put the title on to work (not the one that crashed a different one), I'll put the title on one of the other ones. The idea in my head for it is great, but it's not coming together right.
No, it's not a curse! It's Microsoft's fault. The program is old and not meant to work with Windows 7. I forgot that if I move the mouse too fast (or ya know, normal speed) when trying to crop it kills the program.
Lovely pictures. :D
You got in my brain ...
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