739; 261210

Dec 26, 2010 13:57

it's the last day of ...


so to wrap things up, here's a contest for all of you.

the question:

(5-man group pix not counted, but 3-man group pix are)

Post your answer as subject of your comment and then in the comment section, choose which of the prize would you prefer.  
First 3 correct answers win.

the prize:


NOT ORIGINAL MERCHANDISE!!! it's something i made.  sorry, i've ran out of NINO versions.  This won't happen on Sho's bday either since i've also ran out of SHO version.  (I should have done this on Ohno's bday as well *facepalm*)

so here's an early greeting from me as i pass on the baton to bubbly 

Music Station Super Live 2010 animated gif by dekya
Music Lovers animated gif by melodyofmysoul 
SHOWER melodyofmysoul  love for giving us the many gifs seen for the week, and wish her luck on her thesis. thanks bbs!
EDIT: stupid weirdo -- i dont know how i happened to erase some parts of my post. *facepalm*

ADDENDUM NOTE on the prizes: the images show front and back side. Unlike the previous prize of Nino cellphone charm, this one has Aiba on one side, & the group on the other side.

ADDENDUM AGAIN: just comment with your answers to the question. i'll be raffling off a 4th keychain/fonestrap just for kicks.  it's Christmas, ain't it?

variety show: music lovers, !uploader: dekya, variety show: music station, gif, *contest

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