clipsie Title: A Tame Life
Pairing/Focus: Nino
Rating: PG
Warnings: None
Summary: Not everyone’s tale at Hogwarts was particularly interesting, but the friendships were always worth it.
Notes: I know very little about Harry Potter, so when I presented the tiniest of details to my lovely beta, it was definitely not what she expected. I hope
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Comments 14
It's amazing how you could capture Hogwarts even if you say you're not familiar with Harry Potter, really, and I love the slice of lify touch of this so so much! I liked how you sorted the members into the Hogwarts houses (it's always interesting to see how people sort them and to see the common points and differences. For example I totally agree with Nino being a Slytherin (but not one of the bad guys :P) or Aiba being a Gryffindor or hard-working Jun a Hufflepuff. ^^ Sho was so adorable too and I loved the final scene with him scolding Aiba and Nino but nevertheless accepting their friendship and in the end even letting Nino take a pic (for Jun XD LOL). So in the end he can't deny that they are friends too - sort of.
Thank you very much for sharing this super cute fic, anon, I love it!
I love how you describe all the years from Nino's point of view and how he slowly makes friends with the others ^^ it's good that you concentrated on their friendships and their time speinding together. I liked reading it. Thank you
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