And we're off! :D. One last reminder that the
Rules/FAQ are here for you! Note the new addition to the form, per that thing I said a couple weeks ago. (Please be more specific in your sign-up than I was just now.)
Fic journal:
E-mail address:
Pairings/friendships I'd like to receive: (If you only have one desired pairing/friendship, please try to include at least one alternative idea, just in case.)
Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I would like to receive:
Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I WOULD NOT like to receive:
I would like to write (pairings/friendships and prompts):
I WILL NOT write (pairings/friendships and prompts):
Rating preference (written and received):
I can beta! (Y/N)
I can pinch hit! (Y/N)
I have these things to say that were not addressed in any of the other categories:
Copy-paste box! :D.
Name/username: Fic journal: E-mail address: Pairings/friendships I'd like to receive: (If you only have one desired pairing/friendship, please try to include at least one alternative idea, just in case.)
Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I would like to receive: Prompts: Genres, situations, storylines, kinks, etc. I WOULD NOT like to receive: I would like to write (pairings/friendships and prompts): I WILL NOT write (pairings/friendships and prompts): Rating preference (written and received): I can beta! (Y/N)
I can pinch hit! (Y/N)
I have these things to say that were not addressed in any of the other categories: Remember that this post is for signing up only. Please don't comment on other people's sign-ups since they might want to edit them later. Any questions you have can be directed at me -- ask me in the FAQ post, PM me, or e-mail me at
As was the case last year, sign-ups end on April 13th, so please come on by before then.
Let's go~
And stop! Sign-ups are officially closed. :D.