VF-Fic: Acting

Apr 13, 2006 05:24

Title: Acting (sequel to Thinking)
Author: ninnive
Fandom: "Viewfinder"-Series by Yamane Ayano
Characters: Takaba
Rating: PG-13 maybe?
Warnings: Spoilers up to NT7
Summary: an open door and a closed box

Disclaimer: Nothing belongs to me, it's all Yamane-sensei's.
AN: Set directly after NT7


Takaba jerked awake at the sound of several men shouting. The movement sent the chain from his foot clattering to the ground, chasing away the last remains of his sleepiness. Unbelievingly he gazed into the near-darkness around him, barely able to make out the iron device now lying on the floor. But there it was. Unlocked. Like the last time he awoke.

Cradling his head in his hands, Takaba attempted to hold onto his merely some hours old resolution - he tried to clear his mind and bring some sense into this. Obviously someone had opened the chain purposely. But who? And, more important, why? Was it an attempt to help him get back? A distraction? A trap? The more he tried to think calmly about it, the heavier the urge got to just run. As fast and far away as possible.

Heavily breathing he finally got up. The two steps to the door seemed to last a little eternity and once there he glanced out through the opening at eye-level. Nothing. The arguing men were gone and no guard was in sight. This was probably the best chance he'd get. Holding his breath Takaba slowly opened the door and slipped into the hallway.


About half an hour and several nearly-run-ins later the young man was close to panicking. He had yet to find an unguarded way out and dawn would come soon. Trembling he leaned against a wall, his heartbeat loud in his ears. The exit doors were heavily guarded and most of the rooms he'd come across were locked. The open ones had windows that had bars in front of them, were too small to climb through or non-existent at all. His disappereance hadn't been noticed yet, but that was only a matter of time. And the thought of just going back to his room was beginning to sound like a reasonable idea…

Suddenly the sound of running footsteps reverberated through the halls. An adrenaline jolt coursed through Takaba's system when he saw a dark figure sprint around the next corner, but before he'd had time to decide on one half of the 'fight-or-flight'-reflex he was grabbed by his right upper arm and dragged along like a disobedient child.

"There you are," the man, whom he recognized now as the guard who'd been defending him yesterday, hissed. "Now come along, I haven't got all day!"

"Sorry, I wasn’t aware we had arranged a meeting. I must have forgotten it over my busy social schedule!" Takaba retorted. But he wasn’t struggling to get away. Confusing as it was, the guard didn't seem to mind his attempted escape and he didn't want to piss him unnecessarily off.

They'd reached a door by now, that Takaba hadn't been able to open earlier, but the guard pulled a key out of a pocket, unlocked it and shoved the younger man into the room behind. It seemed to be a storage hall of some sorts, full of racks and big shipping containers. Before he knew what hit him, Takaba was dragged to one of the latter and his companion began to lift the lid off of it. "Get in."


"I don't have time for this! Get in there and be quiet until I come back. I'll get you out of here."

That didn't sound very convincing in Takaba's ears, but the suddenly drawn gun sure was. He lifted his hands in defeat and slowly climbed into the container. It was absolutely empty and smelled faintly of spices. As soon as he was in, the lid was put back and fastened.

"I don't know when I'll be able to get back, but it shouldn’t be more than a few hours, so try to not do something stupid until then." With that, the man left and re-locked the door behind him.

next chapter: Listening

thinking, vf, fic

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