Nearly half (48 percent) of the public rejects the scientific theory of evolution; one-third (34 percent) of college graduates say they accept the Biblical account of creation as fact. Seventy-three percent of Evangelical Protestants say they believe that God created humans in their present form within the last 10,000 years; 39 percent of non-
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Comments 14
What strikes me as the oddest about this is, well.. wiener dogs.
Look at miniature dachshunds, chihuahuas, and all sorts of odd housepets; it seems pretty clear that we made those. There weren't herds of chihuahuas thundering across the plains that we domesticated back in the days of yore, but instead normal dogs were given the "pet bonsai" treatment and made into that form. Is it so hard to imagine that perhaps all dogs used to be more wolf-like and, over time, things "just happened to work out" such that some ended up more doggy and others more wolfy? And that the proto-wolf/dog and proto-cat used to be the same thing but that was a split-off as well?
It's not the most accurate metaphor for evolution, but it's close enough to get the gist across (or so I'd imagine..)
Willful ignorance ( as opposed to just plain ignorance ) seems to be the order of the day. America has always had an anti-intellectual streak, IMO/E it's picked up steam in about the last 40 years. The current administrations efforts on removing scientific curriculum from schools hasn't helped any either.
It's my theory that this is encouraged - the ignorant are easier to control, and the goal of the reigning elite is a peasantry that's technologically sophisticated enough to use it's items, but not savvy enough to understand them, or basic scientific principals. I'm sure the number of Americans who believe the Sun revolves around the Earth, and/or the Earth is flat is just as appalling.
Did you know that peanut butter disproves evolution? Neither did I, but this guy says it, so it MUST be true, right? *bleah* Take a look, and prepare to be disgusted.
Yay for graduating from RPI...
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