Two's Company

Apr 25, 2009 10:41

Name: red_planet31

Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:

Likes: Reading, music, comedies, humor, psychology, astrology, technology, history, anthropology, anime, manga, games, open minded people, sexy antagonists~
Dislikes: Close minded people, selfishness, being ignored, being bossed around, being patronized, horror movies, vegetables~

What quality do you feel is your best?: Open minded, friendly, caring, kind, sensible, responsible, independent~
Your worst?: Proud, lazy, messy, clumsy, and when I am at my lowest, selfish and moody(not all the time though).
What are some of your goals?: World domination!, graduate from your university, be financially secure, have a happy family, travel the world.
Describe yourself in four or less words: Friendly, unique, resourceful, caring.

Are you more...
Mature or Immature?: Mature with moments of immaturity.
Leader or Follower?: I prefer being leader but if I feel that someone else is better suited to be the leader, I wouldn't mind being the follower.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Optimistic most of the times but I can get really pessimistic.
Impulsive or Cautious?: CAUTIOUS. I don't like taking risks and always consider the pros and cons before making a decision/taking action.
Outgoing or Shy?: Outgoing

Why would you be a member of an organization like Akatsuki?: Wouldn't you like to know *smirk*. Because villains are cool. Haha. Probably to achieve my goals.

Your Partner...
What would you like to see in a partner-in-crime?: Logic, elegant, intelligent, loyal, sense of humor.
What would you rather not see in a partner-in-crime?: Impatient, hot-tempered, stubborn, no sense of humour, selfishness.
What kind of partner would you prefer, someone you barely get along with but fight well with, or a partner that you have some respect for? Why?: If we barely get along then we wouldn't be united and our enemies could take advantage of that. Of course, having our disagreements does happen from time to time, but overall I'd prefer a partner that I respect.

Suppose you and your partner are recalled from a fight by Pein to seal a tailed beast. How would you want/expect your partner to react?: Professionally although he wouldn't be too pleased about it.
You and your partner have stumbled across some strong ninja, and they have engaged you in a fight. How would the two of you fight?: We'd cooperate and devise a strategy based on out strengths and weaknesses.
You and your partner are just about to finish off some ninja. Would you or your partner deal the finishing blow?: Either. Probably my partner with me smirking at the back.
The two of you come across some ninja that your partner has encountered before, but you haven't. Do you listen to your partner's information about them or charge straight into battle?: Listen to my partner's information. Knowledge is power.

Who is your favorite Akatsuki member (this will not affect your vote)?: Umm.. Sasori and Tobi.

akatsuki partner: kisame

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