Once again, comments screened to avoid TEH BANDWAGON EFFECT.
Name: Kathy /
katakokk Please post the links to three applications you've voted on recently:
San Likes: fandoms, fangirling, craziness, writing, anime, manga, shopping, swimming, purple, flowers, angst, fluff, tragedy, biology, eating, singing dancing, field hockey, fruit, accessories, music, shoes, being with friends, stuffed animals, humor, Abridged Versions, routine, psychology, randomness, crack, reading, etc.
Dislikes: bugs, hypocrites (though I am one), yaoi, yuri, disorder, no routine, bad grammar, being alone, boredom, comma splices, homework, too small spaces, too big spaces, physics, geometry, bad quality writing, bad crack, warm pillows, bottle blondes, etc.
What quality do you feel is your best?: I'm a nice person. I also have been told that I give good advice. The truth of the second statement is disputable, IMO.
Your worst?: I'm pretty short-tempered and sometimes insensitive. I don't deliberately TRY to be, but some things just come out a lot sharper and harsher than I thought they would. It's even worse when I'm angry. Which hasn't really happened in a while, thank goodness.
What are some of your goals?: To go to college, to get married, to have a family, TO BE HAPPY.
Describe yourself in four or less words: Spastic, dorky, uncreative, worrywart.
Are you more...
Mature or Immature?: I'm generally immature, but mature when the situation calls for it.
Leader or Follower?: I'm a follower, but a very bossy one. I don't like the immense responsibility (especially for something really big, like people's lives!) of being a leader, but I do tend to end up leading people...somehow.
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: I'm neither. I'm a realist. I border between the two. So yeah.
Impulsive or Cautious?: I'm easily frightened, so I'm pretty cautious. However, I'm also pretty distractable, and when distracted I tend to be rash. Ehe.
Outgoing or Shy?: I'm outgoing if I've gotten to know the person. I'm not good at opening up and reaching out to people I'm not familiar or comfortable with.
Why would you be a member of an organization like Akatsuki?: To make use of those mad killing skillz I have. XD
Your Partner...
What would you like to see in a partner-in-crime?: I want someone that is on task, but is willing to just lay around and do nothing sometimes. They should be able to get things DONE, but not be a freaky work-oriented workaholic. (Yes, I'm being redundant. Deal with it.) I also would like someon that isn't too submissive nor too overbearing; someone I can butt heads with occasionally but still get along with.
What would you rather not see in a partner-in-crime?: A freaky work-oriented workaholic. An extreme introvert or a super-uptight person. Someone who has absolutely ZERO conscience.
What kind of partner would you prefer, someone you barely get along with but fight well with, or a partner that you have some respect for? Why?: I'd prefer a person that I had respect for, but if my skills really complimented theirs that well, and it was for the "greater good," then someone who I fight well with. Hopefully all of that complimentary jutsu will foster respect. :D
Suppose you and your partner are recalled from a fight by Pein to seal a tailed beast. How would you want/expect your partner to react?: I'd expect them to grumble a bit, but comply. They would be upset, and so would I, but we wouldn't really bitch about it expect to each other...sometimes.
You and your partner have stumbled across some strong ninja, and they have engaged you in a fight. How would the two of you fight?: WE WOULD COMBINE OUR MAD KILLING SKILLZ AND FINISH THEM OFF REALLY FAST. Kidding. I think we may initially have some differing views on how to fight them, but then settle on something good and teamworky and finish them off.
You and your partner are just about to finish off some ninja. Would you or your partner deal the finishing blow?: Whoever felt like giving the evil-villian-victory-rant at the moment.
The two of you come across some ninja that your partner has encountered before, but you haven't. Do you listen to your partner's information about them or charge straight into battle?: Listen to them. Most definitely. I don't want to die!
Who is your favorite Akatsuki member (this will not affect your vote)?: Konan.